
Who is the most famous athlete ever?

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Who do you think is the most famous athlete of all time in the whole world? Some one you could go to a remote village and show a picture of them to the villagers and they could tell you there name?




  1. pele, maradona, zidane, ronaldo

    the person who said moichael jordan is an idiot.

  2. Personally, I'd say Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant (if you've send Rush Hour 2, that scene with the old chinese woman where she says Move it Kobe! lol.)

    But that's limited to  only basketball.

    There's actually a whole array of atheletes I think the world is aware of, for soccer, definitely David Beckham, or tennis, maybe Serena or Venus Williams.

    I'd go with Kobe though. My cousins in Egypt even know him by name.

  3. Pele, no question

    The guy above me who said rednecks wouldn't know who Pele is, would be right.  However, they are American rednecks who couldn't name two other countries in the world, so they'd be useless.

    The biggest game in the world is Football.  Pele is the best footballer ever and therefore the best known athlete ever.

    I even know who Steve Nash is.  He plays fullback for Royals 5th grade Rugby team.  I didn't know there was some American Basketball guy also named Steve Nash.  And I only found that out by doing an internet search

  4. Steve Nash is pretty decent. He is an AMAZING Player. He also won MVPs and he is a pretty good role modle for kids. Although Micheal Jordan is very famous and played amazing as well. Pretty tough choice, in basketball. Tiger Woods is also funn to watch and amazing as well. Tough choice. Also Diana Tarozi is an my favorite female basktball player. These are the players I watch and I think they truely enjoy the game.

  5. its between jordan, tiger woods, and david beckam. And who is pele? Are you talking about soccer or the hut hut hike foot ball? But in my opinion its Tiger.

  6. Michael Jordan or tiger woods

  7. The answer to this is Michael Jordan. To be honest i think it is an actual fact, that he is the most known athlete world wide, i read it somewhere.

  8. no, the guy who said the soccer players is a r****d it has to be MJ if you showed a redneck( no offense) a picture of a soccer player they wouldnt know chances if you showed them a picture of MJ they would know

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