
Who is the most famous in the world?

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Who is the most famous in the world?




  1. it would be a tie between Georgia Bush(lol) and Michael Jackson...

    ppl all over know Bush's doings and of course Michael is a nationwide, well was a nationwide phenomenon for his music and his scandal

  2. Me!!!!

  3. The president of the united states.

  4. Jesus Christ

  5. Osama Bin Laden, George Bush

  6. Santa, although he goes by many names.

  7. Bill Gates

  8. michael..

    Michael Crichton (Artist/Writer)

    Michael Douglas (Entertainer)

    Michael Eisner (Business)

    Michael J. Fox (Entertainer)

    Michael Jackson (Musician)

    Michael Jordan (Athlete)

    Michael Jordan (Entertainer)

    Michael Keaton (Entertainer)

    Michael McCary (Musician)

    Michael Stipe (Musician)

    and my name is also..

  9. George W.

    or Jesus

  10. Adolf Hitler. Love him or hate him he accomplished eternal fame..

  11. Jesus/God

    or Oprah...ha-ha.

  12. I wish it was me but... it isn't.

  13. Jesus.  More even than the Beatles.  Much to their chagrin.

  14. God.

  15. Bill Gates.

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