
Who is the most famous person in the world?

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Alive or dead.

Past or present.




  1. Michael Jackson:)

  2. Elvis was pretty famous, the Pope, Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google founders)

  3. The Queen


    Elvis Presley


  4. micheal jackson

  5. George W Bush, he started a war.

  6. Define most famous??   .... and in whose opinion ???  ....  In my world it is ....


  7. Jesus

    By a mile, no matter what John Lennon said

  8. Uhm.

    Einstein? Haha

  9. God?  

  10. Adolf Hitler :)

  11. Albert Einstein or benjamin franklin

  12. Famous doesn't mean well known, it means celebrated. The opposite of famous is infamous, not obscure. So a big thumbs down to anyone who put Adolf Hitler, etc.

    I reckon for alive, it would be Nelson Mandela, dead, it would be Albert Einstein.

  13. Jesus Christ.  He changed the world in so many ways, and His influence is felt even in non-Christian, even non-religious areas.  

  14. walter smith

  15. God, because most of the world are actually religious and all the religions believe in one God. Just with different names.

  16. The answer is obvious.

    It's Mom.

    Everyone knows Mom.  A lot of us even have her on Speed-Dial.

  17. I think Muhammad Ali was at one time.

    David Beckam is pretty famous right now.

  18. bill gates i think

  19. It is not so easy to answer.

    If we consider 'Jesus' as person, according to your terminology,

    then He is most widely known in terms of number.

    Osama Ben Laden may be in second place.

  20. I would say no one.

    A lot of stars are unknown and know throughout the world. It all depends upon person to person.

    Some people in third world countries may no even know that movie stars exist, but here in the United States, people may think that Bill Gates, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, or even Brittany Spears are the most famous people.

  21. John Lennon

  22. Osama Bin Liner.

  23. Queen Elisabeth of good old England.

  24. Gordon Bennett

    Most of us say his name nearly every day

  25. i would also have to say God because no matter what city, state, or country you are in what language you may speak they know about him.

  26. Seeing as most of the world's population are muzzies, I'd say the Prophet Mohammed. we've all heard of him and over half the world worship him. Him or the BeeGee Jesus dude. He's fairly up there too

  27. its between osama bin laden and madeline mcann at the moment

  28. Jesus

    The Queen of England

    The Pope

    George Bush jr

    Osama Bin Larden




    The Beatles


    Homer Simpson

    And dear old mum

  29. Bill Gates

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