
Who is the most famous woman in the world (not just the in the US) alive today?

by Guest67036  |  earlier

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Who is the most famous woman in the world (not just the in the US) alive today?




  1. queen elizabeth

  2. Condi or Hillary

  3. Definatly J.K Rowlings

  4. Oprah WInfrey or Hillary Clinton.

  5. Oprah.

    Is that even a question?

    Or Chuck Norris.

  6. I think Opra.h Winfrey. She helps people worldwide, has her own show and more!

  7. 'Shakin' Sheila Cartwright

  8. Oprah

    she has her own shows

    is broadcast worldwide

    and the mother of the newest religion 'Oprahology'

  9. Definitely 'Shaky' Sheila.

    Unless it is the pregnant man.

  10. ur mom

  11. Queen Elizabeth ll.

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