
Who is the most gorgeous person in ur opinion and why?

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Who is the most gorgeous person in ur opinion and why?




  1. Can't answer because everybody would want her then.  

  2. Well, of course I think my boyfriend's gorgeous because I'm biased.  :)  But if you're talking celebrities...

    Women whose looks I admire:

    Megan Fox

    Why? She's just gorgeous. Beautiful eyes.

    Jessica White

    She's got that leggy thing going that I'm all jealous of, and she has a beautiful complexion.

    Aishwarya Rai

    Again, gorgeous eyes.

    Yummy Guys  :)

    Lee Byung-Hun

    Chiseled jaw, plus he has that sullen, serious look that's so cute.

    The Rock

    Love his smile and he has a s**y voice.

    Taye Diggs

    Love his smile too... *sigh*

    Gerard Butler

    Didn't notice him really until 300, but WOW.

  3. My crush, JOHNNY!!!!!!!!!!

    He is extremely hot.  I mean extremely.  He's got real pretty dark brown eyes, and kind of olivey-tan skin, and black hair, and he's super super hot.  And IDGAF WHAT my friend Morgan says, he does TOO look good shirtless.  I would show a pic, but, ya know, some people on this site are unworthy.

  4. my son

    because he is the sweetest little boy in the world

  5. marcus patrick, edward cullen, micheal phelps, and this boy that sits behind me in class, this guy that I meet in the store, this boy that my friends introduce me to, 60% of all the boys in school, guys that work as a bag boy in publix.

    Um.... Some guys that play tennis, most of the guys thaat play scoccer I could go on allll night!!! Im kinda boy crazy.

  6. angelina jolie, Haifa wahbi and pamela Anderson 20 years ago!

    Crystal h's son is the cutest!!! YOu have to choose her!

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