
Who is the most hated person in history?

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Who is the most hated person in history?




  1. Adolph Hitler

    Robert Mugabe

    Amanda Norris/Miller

  2. When I read this question, I immediately thought of Hitler. However, I'm sure there's some obscure ruler from long, long ago who was hated quite a bit. By "most hated", do you mean by the most people, or to the greatest degree?

  3. Judas

  4. George Bush - Shock and Awe, 5000 pound cluster bombs in residential areas of Bagdad.  How many dead soldiers from around the world? Mission accomplished.

  5. south park cartoons

  6. how bout lucifer.. the enemy of our soul... oh yeah he wants us to go to h**l with him *scary*

  7. Mohammed.

  8. Adolph HItler or Josef Stalin, or Mussolini

  9. Probably Hitler but Bush is catching up fast!!!

  10. i would say that Jesus is the most hated and the most loved person (at the same time) in the history of this world! besides, he existed 2000 years ago so therefore, more people had the opportunity to hate him!

  11. I think that it depends upon whom you ask.  Stalin was reportedly directly responsible for the deaths of about 20,000,000 of his own people.  

    In the 1930's, he caused (by starvation) the death of about 6,000,000 Ukrainians.  So. . . if you asked someone from the Ukraine, they might name Stalin as the most hated.

    Ask someone from Russia (as it was in the 1940's) and they will probably state that Hitler was the most hated. From June 22nd 1941 through and including May 8th 1945, the Soviet Union lost and average of 22,000 (that's right. . . TWENTY TWO THOUSAND) killed in action EVERY DAY.  That's not killed AND wounded.  That's just killed in action.

    So. . . . if you asked a Russian, they may say Hitler.

    Pol Pot was responsible for the deaths of over 3,000,000 Cambodians.

    The Japanese were responsible for the deaths of about 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand!) in a little over a month during the Rape of Nanking in the 1930s.  Ask a Chinese, and they might say that they hate Tojo the most.

    And so on and so on.  There have been so many EVIL people in the world, that we completely forget about all of the wonderful people who have lived!

  12. Hitler....

  13. Well, Hitler is the obvious selection, certainly in terms of the last century. Kinda depends on how you are defining the term, hated as in the most people who hated them, or hated the most intensely? There are other contenders, at least in their day:

    Napoleon, he was loathed all over Europe.


    Alexander the Great, possibly the only man in history to personally start a dark age. His mother was one of the most evil violent sick people ever known though, she was probably more hated than him, you don't even want to know what she had done to his wife after he died.

    Caligula, now he was a winner, he may not have been universally despised by the people, but the Romans who had the pleasure of his company...he also was one sick MF.

    Torquemada deserves mention.

    Ghenghis Khan, rivalled Hitler no doubt.

    Darwin would get a lot of votes.

    Bruno Hauptman, the Lindberg kidnapper, wasn't exactly loved in his time.

    John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald get a mention, as would James Earl Ray and Gavrillo Princep.

    Interesting question.

  14. Adolph Hitler. He's the winner in that catagory.

  15. Gerry McCann.

  16. The majority of people will say Hitler.

    He was pure evil.

  17. Adolph Hilter and

    Seriously, George W. Bush, the current President of the United States of America.

  18. As soon as I read this question, I thought of Hitler. If he isn't the most hated, I don't know who is.

  19. Britney Spears.

  20. Actually, History's a long time.. In the last Century, I'd agree with Hitler and Stalin.

    Don't focus on Satan.  Just don't forget he exists.

    But yes.. go way back, and we also have Napoleon, Genghis Khan..

    Interesting point, though that one person brought up: Let's focus on some of the most beloved.

    Good, thought-provoking question..

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