
Who is the most important player on the volleyball court? Why are they so important?

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  1. A lot of people say that the setter is the most important player on the court.  I agree they are very important, but what if there were no passers on the team.  The setter would have no balls to set.  Also, if it is a bad pass it is hard for the setter to set the ball and could be a crappy set for the hitter.  I think that anyone who is pasing on the team like libero and right and left back are very important.  Without the pass there would be no balls to set and then no balls to hit.  So i would say that passers are the most important players on the team.  If it is just one player i say libero because they are normally one or the best passers on the team and dig lots of balls

  2. The setter , they have to get the ball ready to spike the whole team is like counting on them

  3. most people say setters, but i think that the back row players, like the defensive specialists or the liberos are the most important. if there were no one to dig the balls that are hit over, how would the ball get to the setter? the setter is useless if there is no pass to get the ball to the setter. also, if you look at the higher ranked volleyball teams, they dont necessarily have to have the hardest hits, instead, they have great defense. defense and passes are the key to winning in volleyball.

  4. im kinda stuck on this one...

    without a good libero you will get beat by the other team

    without a good setter you can't beat the other team...

    so kinda depends on your opponent, deciding what player is most important in that specific game.

  5. the setter and the back row

    back row because when the opposing team serves the back row is the players that majority of the time get the ball

    and setter so that they can get a hit

  6. i think that there isnt one person on the court more important than another person. reasons :

    thee passer is important because they get the ball up, butt they need to pass to a person in order for somthing 'good' to happen.

    the setter is important too, because they set the hitter and the hitter hits it, or they tip the ball over the net. butt in order to set, they need a decent pass.

    the hitter is the one who gets the most credit. butt they cant do anythign without the good pass, and the nice set to get that awsome kill.

  7. The Setter, hands down. There was a time when the Libero did not exist and setters had to make good sets out of bad passes. Good setters do this; its their job.

  8. the setter is the most important. he/she has to get the team fired up, lead the team (they are usually a captain), and distribute the ball to each player. they have to know how to calm people down after making a big mistake, see both the block and the pass, call and run the plays, make a strategy for beating the opponent depending on their strengths and weaknesses, and know who is having a great game and who needs to be picked up. some setters do all of the above and are great setters, some do only some and are okay setters, and some do none of the above and downright suck.

  9. Setter because:

    •they are the only people on the court that are required to hit, set, pass, and serve (when playing a 6-2)

    •they generally are the team captain, or at least team leaders

    •they have to call the plays

    •they have to be aware of who's having a good day, bad day ect.

    •they have to decide who to set

  10. Setter is the most important player on the court. he has to set the ball perfectly for the OH or OPP so they can hit the ball good

  11. As I remember , In High School , The player of 6th Division

    ( Libero ) played a more interesting role . But now ,  as a semi-knowledgeable watcher , I can say that The most Important vollyballist is the passor/passors . He is the person who decides who to hit the ball or do the spike .

    He also plays a very critical role . If the sent pass is not good , een the best spiker will not succeed .

  12. The most important person is the one that ALWAYS communicates, stays positive, and works hard in practice....that being said, if I'm picking a team and I can only have one player that is really talented, I'd want it to be my setter. The setter is the quarterback and to be really effective must do ALL of the things listed above. The underhand pass and serving are no doubt the most important skills in volleyball. However, a setter...a good setter anyway, will set the tone of the game because even if the passes are bad they'll get their hands on the ball and make every hitter available.

  13. I would have to say that every member of the team is an important /player/. Everyone has to be on the mark so we can get the passes up, the sets out, and the hits down. Without each member of the team playing their best, the whole team suffers. Whether it is a few misses serves, or passes shanked. Without good serves you miss points, if you don't get the pass up the setter can't do their job, and if the setter can't get the ball set then a hitter can't hit. Every member of the team depends on the other members, you can't really say that one specific position is the most important because they aren't the only person playing the game. Technically you could call everyone passers, hitters, and servers and they are the most important players.

    The most important /position/ is the setter because they have to be alert and call out the play, where she is setting to. She is the one that has to pick up every pass that is sent no matter where it goes, and get it out to a hitter to make a good play. She is the make or break point after the pass. If the pass is good so should her set. She is the court leader because of her large responsibility of getting to every second ball.

  14. well most people say the setter because they set up the hitters well weather it be a regular set of a shoot. but i think the passers are the most important. with our a good pass the setter cant make a good set therefore the hit wont be as good. so i think passing is the biggest think and we work on it the most outof everthing at practice. If your team cant pass they will prob kick your  A$$. wihtout passers you would just get aced all the time and thats no fun!

  15. i play libero for my school, and i think it is the most important player. its not just because i play that possition, its that i think in order to get a hit, and setter has to set the ball from the pass that would come from the libero. the libero's pass is the foundation to a point.

  16. The whole volleyball team is verry important because you work as a system. You know bump, set, spike.

  17. everyone because first you have to be able to pass the ball. that is the most important spot.

  18. The setter. The setter is the one who calls which hitter is going to hit. They have to be able to run around to get bad passes. They also have to stay back to play defense before running back to set. They are the glue that keeps the team together.

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