
Who is the most out of touch politician... other than George Bush???

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Well, we now know it is John "Old f**t" McCain




  1. d**k Cheney

  2. Well the list is long, but the names are distinguished...

    Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi, John Edwards, Chuck Shumer, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid...I could go on and on and on with other famous liberals...but you get the idea.

  3. Former president Jimmy"Hamas is not a terrorist group" Carter, John Kerry, Al Gore, Senator Biden, and his running mate. Then you have Senator Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Polsie just to name a short few!

  4. that GORDON DUDE

  5. Obama, he's so far out in left field I doubt he knows what a middle american is.

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