
Who is the most powerful Rebel Group in the world? If you don't know then tell me your openion?

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Hi, Can someone tell me Who is the most powerful Rebel Group in the world?. If you don't know then tell me your openion.




  1. What is Rebel Group in the world?  Rebel must be within a country not withOUT.  No comparison of the most powerful --- a rebel is a rebel, whatever the strength.  

    I have my opinion, not openion.   Please think to ask so don't waste time and effort.

  2. You have quite a few choices there.  The Polisario Front in Western Sahara actually has some territory under its control.  The LRA in Uganda is finally falling apart.  The KNU in Burma has a few thousand members and that's about it.  The Taliban in Afghanistan and tribal Pakistan is pretty strong.  The Zapatista Army is still around, but it doesn't really pose a threat to the Mexican army.  The PKK seems to be having ongoing problems in Turkey.  The SPLA in Sudan finally made peace with Khartoum, so I don't know that we can call them a rebel movement anymore.  Likewise the Maoists in Nepal.  The rebels in the Congo seem to be disintegrating.    The Naxalites in India are still active, if fragmented.  I'd say that, when it comes to ability to conduct military operations and threaten the stability of the countries involved, the former Naxalites and the Taliban are the most powerful rebel movements in the world.

  3. The Talibans! Second would be LTTE although they are less powerful now than they used to be.

  4. The American. they are rebels against humanity with no creed. they had their way to fall enemies on their feet. ecnomically , socially or forfully. They are the BIG BULLIES. tring to impress  everbody.

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