
Who is the most?

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despised/hated current Red Wing today?




  1. I hate Osgood he is a total duec and he probably m*********s

  2. Don't know about who fans of other teams hate on the Wings, but as a Red Wings fan I would like to see Lilja play a lot less because he coughs up the puck in our zone far too often. That dosn't mean I despise or hate him though. I reserve all my hockey hate for Claude Lemiuex (although of late I may giva a little to Gary Roberts.)

  3. that ***** franzen

  4. Aaron Downey.

  5. If you would have asked me this 10 years ago it would have been Federov.   Even farther back it would be Probert.   Those are the only 2 Wigns I have never liked.

  6. Andreas Lilja, he just sucks. And Im a Wings fan. Chelios should play.

  7. Probably Holmstrom...he raises a lotta H-E-double hockey sticks!!!!

    (Especially in front of the net)

  8. to people that arent wings fans we H.A.T.E. Holmstrom because he gets in the goalie's way and its very irritating and he should have much more goalie interference calls than he has had so far

  9. Osgood - he is a REALLY good goalie (I'll admit it)

    EDIT: I don't hate him, I'm just saying that being a Pens fan, it is very frustrating to see him make really good saves. I don't dispise or hate him for it though.

  10. Nearly all opposing fans hate Chelios. He's been around so long, he has had time to s***w every single player over, haha. Next is probably Lidstrom, for the same reasons as above.

  11. there are qquite a few if ur a pens fan like me. but i dislike Holstrom and Osgood the most. they're too darn good for their own good.
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