
Who is the mother of humans?

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I heard they traced humanities roots back to one woman in Africa. Can some one point me in the direction of the FULL story, not just a skimming? Thanks.




  1. Her name was Betty Crocker, and she baked apple pies in the Kalahari desert.

  2. Do you mean Lucy??

    she wasn't human, she is the oldest upright walking primate found by scientist though

  3. I believe she was found in Ethiopia & I want to say they call her "eve" or maybe "lucy"  Good luck!!

  4. If you do the math you are related to all the women and men living 140,000 years ago.  They were all your direct ancestor.  You are probably thinking of mitochondrial eve.  She is the sole provider of mitochondria for the human race because evolution eliminated all the rest.  That accounts for a very small amount of inherited DNA.  They can't possibly know where she lived unless you assume that people never migrate which is asinine.  Don't let that simple logic get in the way of the "Out of Africa" religion.  They will even try to relate a specific population today to that.  They will find the most centralized and say that the greatest diversity in mitochondria makes them the oldest.    If you are wise you will take their assumptions and predictions with a grain of salt.

  5. EVE the story is in the bible, in Genesis

  6. I am not a bible person by any means, but I do read it, and, according to the bible, the wife of Noah, his three sons and their wives are the beginnings of humanity after the great flood. They repopulated and spread out across the earth. Any history before this time is absolute fiction and without foundation. even without the bible this is as good and believable an account as any Anthropological one.

  7. the mother of us all was a black woman..

  8. Mitochrondrial "Eve", means that all the humans alive today are related to ONE African woman from over 100,000 years ago...

    This maternal lineage can only be traced in reverse, through female survivors!

    The click-speaking Bushmen of Central Africa represent the original & fundamental Haplogroup, with the most basic DNA, common to all humans living today. From that, a secondary DNA trail moved towards Sub-Saharan Ethiopia, which included greater genetic variation...

    From this branch, the rest of the world was populated, which led to different skin, hair and eye colors in humans...

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