
Who is the mvp of the usa team this year??

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i think its wade he's the top scorer an has played great in all his games.. (plus I'm a wade fan an miami heat fan) but who would you pick as the mvp i know at least the top 3 candidates have to be lebron kobe or wade




  1. Lebron for sure. He has played the best. Scoring, Rebound, Assists, Blocks Steals... He has done it all.

  2. Wade because hes been putting the most effort in all of his games.

  3. wade or james

  4. Dwyane definitely deserves it, he surprised everyone and he played really well consistently. It wouldn't be wrong to give it to Bron either. Definitely not Kobe though. I love him, laker fan and all, but he hasn't been on top of his game. Bosh should get an honorable mention on this one too haha.

  5. Wade gets the Gold

    Lebron Gets The Silver

    Howard gets the Bronxe

    Kobe gets slapped across his face with a rubber chicken

  6. lebron or wade, wade has been the top scorer but lebron gets it done all across the boards.

  7. 1. Lebron

    2. Kobe

    3. D Wade

    4. cp3

  8. sorry its Kobe LOL not its D WADE

  9. LeBron.  He has been ridiculous, doing everything.  

  10. either wade or lebron. he is catching up

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