
Who is the next victim of the E-mail Online lottery? In India(Gujarat) a couple suicide recently....?

by Guest62691  |  earlier

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This couple have lost 8 lac rupees by the Nigerian E-mail lottery scam.They couldn't unable to overcome disappointment.

A professor in Gujarat lost nearly 25 lac rupees last year by another E mail Nigerian scam.

The Times Of India reported this news.

I get frequently this type of E mail Online lottery letter.

Some con men are using the Yahoo name also.

The new comers are being easily traped by this con men.

How can we save the innocent victims ...?

What should do the service provider like Yahoo?

Do they have any preventive mechanism ?




  1. those people who lost money not only were stupid but greedy too. remember you only win lottery if  u play and have valid ticket issued by state lottoerys. did u get it you can never win if you dont play.

  2. I am equally anxious to see a solution to these Scams in near future. Till the Govts of both India and Nigeria spell out some thing, let us try something :-

    - Post such questions on Yahoo and elsewhere....

    - Inform everybody not to reply such e-mails

    - Tell them that it is nothing but scams ... greed may destroy you if you reply

    - How and what a "lottery" where you have not purchased a ticket .. ? ask them

    - Tell them to observe that in the e-mail, of then their mail address is not at the top ... it is a technique to send spams

    - Each Internet users are to be alerted not to believe "Internet Lotteries"  etc. etc.

  3. I am using this yahoo mail service for more than 5 years but even also I get these type of mails but actually speaking the Ids were stolen and yahoo does not provide any safety to our mail id but gmail is providing. I even make fun with these type of people for a month or two some come close I plan to get them to the Indian police but unfortunately they get alerted and they wont come to INDIA.

  4. I was a target of a scam from someone in Nigeria a week ago. This person was posing as someone interested in meeting for a meeting that could lead to a relationship on a dating website. Then all of a sudden he had a meeting in Africa. Then a week later the person sent me a hard luck story e-mail about how he couldn't cash his money orders, he was out of money, and would I help him. I sent him an e-mail telling him I was waiting to here some type of story from him when he wrote and said he was on his way to Africa. The only mechanism I can think of is to not fall for any email sent to you. I looked at the emails carefully reading every word and catching anything that looked to be not true. Like this person said they were a graduate from Layfette College in New Jersey. There is no Layfette College in New Jersey. Also for a computer analyst, this person couldn't spell, and the grammar was oddly worded.

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