
Who is the oldest known person in recorded history?

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Wow! This is great! I'm new to Answers and I have a lot of questions in regard to many different subjects, although don't think I have many answers. Still, I'm curious and would be interested to see how much I really know and could contribute. So, would you like to pick my brain? I read that Sumer and the code of Hammurabi are oldest known history and civilization, but who was the actual first person recorded? In other words, when did the cavemen get their first celebrity?




  1. There was alledgedly living in England during the reign of King Charles the First a peasant who died at the age of 154 I believe after being invited to visit the king and actually dying after eating the rich food that was offered to him. He is buried in Westminster Abbey on order of the king but I cant think of his name. He gave the secret of his long life as simply "eating bread and drinking water".

  2. wiki: "The longest unambiguously documented lifespan is that of Jeanne Calment of France (1875–1997), who died aged 122 years and 164 days."

    So 122 years old. In reality, people a long time ago lived much much shorter lives. The lifespan of a person living hundreds or thousands of years ago would've been less than half of what it is today.

    If you want to get into religious and mythological beliefs, there are people in the Bible, Greek mythology, Hindu scripture, etc who are said to have lived hundreds to thousands of years.

  3. If you count the Bible as recorded history, that would be the 900 plus years old Methusalah.  Welcome to YA, you sound like fun, eeeek.

  4. Methuselah, according to the Bible.

  5. I'd say Adam would be the first person in recorded history. See Genesis, Chapter 2 verse 7. I'd say he's pretty popular and I can only imagine that the "cavemen" probably knew and spoke of him frequently.

  6. For those pulling names from the Bible, we're talking recorded, documented history here. The Bible is not documented history. There is no way to prove its authenticity.

    I guess you would have to go with Lucy, the oldest discovered hominid fossil. She's about 3 million years old.

  7. Adam and Eve

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