
Who is the oldest person you know that plays and collects yugioh cards???

by  |  earlier

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well i got to say i collect yugioh cards and iam 15 i dont think

theres anything wrong with that i want to know all of ur opinion.

please asap




  1. i know some one 76 yrs old who still plays, he is quite good actually! (at least, that is what he said

  2. My 94 year old grandpa has some but doesnt play. He syas he likes the shinies of the cards. Since he has elshemier he cant do much else except color in coloring books, put togethr puzzles, and collecy yougioh cards.

  3. well, yeah its kind of weird, but whatever. if thats your "thing"then who cares what ppl think???

  4. my brother collected them until he was eight.

  5. well my brother is 22 and he plays online but he doesn't collect them

  6. me i'm 15 year old n my step brother whos 17!

  7. me and my friends are 15-17 and we still plkay yu-gi-oh

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