
Who is the only candidate who loves just one thing above all else?

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When John McCain speaks of America he sounds allot like one of the founding fathers, like a Francis Scott Keys or Thomas Paine.

He never speaks adoringly about Europe, he doesn't speak as though he's obligated to help every other country first when his is hurting. No wishfully dreaming of Utopia with all nations...just love for America and disdain for the waste of our monies and the loss of chances to put this country first.

Anyone who watched the last few minutes of McCain's speech last night got to see the true John McCain getting fired up, a passionate man who wants this country on top and answering to her people only, not europe because we need to drive smaller cars for their approval, not the UN so we can give all our hard work to support countries who wont work, and not to be fooled by the dark designs of countries who hate our freedom and success.

There has been lobbyist who had tried to approach him and he has quickly shown them the door. Twenty plus years in the senate and no votes for earmarks for his constituents, ZERO.




  1. Obama08

  2. Obama loves Obama

    Johny loves Johny

    You have to be an egomaniac to run for office.

  3. American Republicans Love the country but hate the people.

  4. You got to be kidding me the news says it was boring very boring just like they said about his wife boring.... Sorry guy you sound like your desperate

  5. LOL

    If he loves America so much, why does he want to go "save" other countries so much?  Why is he willing to spend trillions in Iraq and not willing to fix the problems here at home?

    And worst of all, why is he so against veterans issues?

    Oh and about the lobbyists...

    Seriously?  Do some research.

  6. agree with you completely.

    McCain/Palin 2008-2016

  7. McCain loves the USA above all else.

  8. Barrack Hussein loves himself above all else.

    Didn't he write not one but two books about himself? To show that he is a better man than John F. Kennedy, who only wrote one, and it was NOT all about him.

  9. I do not think you have read the Founding Fathers at all.  Benjamin Franklin: Those who would trade their liberty for a little temporary security will have neither Liberty nor security." and "There is no good war and no bad peace."  

    John Adams one of the drafters of the Constitution. Was a Unitarian who did not believe in the divinity of Christ.  He went to Harvard University which makes him an elitist I guess. Most of the Founding Fathers were very well educated and they left it up to the States to decide on some of the laws that John McCain has proposed should be Federal.  There is no mention of God or morality in any oath of office.

    Barak Obama has a degree in Constitutional Law and graduated at the top of is class.  The Constition is what you swear to uphold.  Not the military, not your "Country" not your military but the Constitution.

    Because it is not the land itself but the construction of the Constitution that makes this such a great Country.  McCain made a comment in his speech to his convention ridiculing habeus corpus.  This is the McCain that stood up against torture.  Now saying it is weak to obey the Constitution  and follow the rule of law?  This is the McCain that wants to get rid of all but 4 Supreme Court Justices all of them ideologically religious right.  This includes the moderates as well as the liberals. Apparently we should not have an unbiased and balance Court.

    So how is he going to pay off our huge debt to China which he was so concerned about until he decided to run for President and sell out on many of his few really honest and thoughtful beliefs?  He will cover up the ammount we are borrowing for his need to win a war and picking on science to distract from real issues.

    So do not tell me John McCain cares about anything but John McCain.  Hes been our Senator for a very long time he has a wife worth 100 million or whatever who  holds the purse strings. So as far as I can recall John McCain has not done anything since he was a POW that he has not thrown under the bus in this election .

  10. It is clear Sen McCain is no different than Sen Obama, Biden, Palin, or Clinton, he is in love with himself just as much as they are.  He loves the IDEA of country first, but when it comes to the actual citizen it gets complicated, lol.  

    Being a lobbyist isn't illegal you know.  You just have to be careful that your lobbying doesn't turn to bribery.  They do make good money though.  I wouldn't fire someone just because they were a lobbyist, but if I had proof of wrongdoing their a@@ would be history.

    Edit - To the guy above me, of course their economy is stronger than ours, they haven't spent billions every week on the Iraq war.  I saw the speech too dear, and the only thing he was passionate about was firing the crown up.  I don't even think his Vet friends buy his c**p....did you see the looks on their faces as he was speaking?

  11. McCain's patriotism is what makes him dangerous. He is too gung ho for me. We need some diplomacy nowadays, not militarism, which is what McCain is all about, and Obama isn't.

    He has commendable war record and is a brave person, but I don't believe he is the right man for president.  

  12. grandfather mccain vs young obama.

  13. Youre supposed facts are c**p. 85% of the time he backed the piece of garbage that started a useless and endless war.

    His supposed HERO status is c**p too. He was treated like royalty once the communists found out his father was an admiral. Who told them that? He did!

    This guy is a war mongering imp without a care for US!

    And his lame choice for VP will be taught a lesson in the debates.

  14. McCain will take this country back a century (not meant to be about his age).

    Women's rights will go down the drain, as well as any progress that could be in this country's future.

    OBAMA 08.

  15. McCain said the most important thing last night when he said "I hate war" & he does, he should know. Unfortunately, we do not live in a Utopian world & Islamic extremists are animals who want to kill us! Obama (nor his herd) seem to get this. I am absolutely terrified of an Obama led US. Anyone who has children should be afraid.

  16. McCain is very passionate about America and so was Bush and that turned out to be a disaster.

  17. Here is the part of his speech that made me jump to my feet and applaud. For the first time i heard someone speak the truth about a subject that is often put in the back burner.

    McCain: "We are going to stop sending $700 billion a year to countries that don't like us very much."

    Yes, yes and yes! Finally someone realises that we are helping the world when our own people are suffering.

    All those Democrat weasels want "diplomacy" with Europe, and the Middle East, and Russia, and China, and Africa ... but what it really does is make us look like we are kissing butts in exchange of cooperation and assistance etc.

    Well the EU is working very hard to beat us around the world at every single international bid they can find. They are getting more military contracts, they are getting more corporate contracts, they are getting more automobile contracts, more building contracts, more nuclear plant contract, and now even more aviation contract with their new Airbus. Their Euro is growing stronger their economy bigger their population richer while we slump down and are asked to fork out more money to "help" nations who hates our guts.

    Well said and well done Mr McCain.

    You sir, have MY vote.

  18. do you really believe that BS.

  19. his campaign is run by over 100 lobbyist. i believe that obama loves his country equally. he just did not go to a war and miss about half of it like mccain

  20. I agree with you.

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