
Who is the only man to RIDE a grand national winner 6 times????

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Who is the only man to RIDE a grand national winner 6 times????




  1. I can't find any jockeys who have won the National 6 times so I'm guessing that the answer is a stable lad that rode work on 6 different Grand National winners, although a name escapes me!

  2. Lester Piget

  3. lester piggot was a flat jockey and i dont think he rode in the national i dont think a jockey has ever won the national 6 times in a row i dont know eny one who has

  4. George Stevens won the race 5 times:  1856, on Freetrader;  1863, on Emblem;  1864, on Emblematic; 1869 and 1870 on The Colonel.  If I had to guess, I would guess that he probably rode a horse that subsequently won the National under another jockey, thereby becoming the only man to RIDE (although not WIN) a Grand National winner 6 times.

    Am I close?  All the sources I can find cite Stevens' 5 wins in the National as the record.

  5. Lester Piggott was jailed for tax evasion in 1987, he won the grand national prior to that. Therefore, his cell-mate is the only man to RIDE a grand national winner six times. (8 times if you include oral).

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