
Who is the owner of this car?

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In 1995 my mother bought a Pontiac Sunfire for her use and then in 2007 the car was given to me with no money exchanged. Her name is on the registration card but the insurance is paid under my checking account.




  1. She should sell you the car for 1 dollar, then you will be the owner.

  2. It's your mum's car.  The title has her name on it, that makes it hers even if it's registered in your name.

  3. If the car title is in her name, legally she owns it.  If she owns it the insurance should be in her name with you listed as an additional driver.  If you are paying the insurance it doesn't mean you own it.  Its more like you are giving money to your mother for her to have insurance.

    To change it she needs to sign the title over to you.  I recommend you and her go to the DMV and bring the title, registration, proof of insurance and anything else you might have (I'm not sure exactly what you need its been a while since I bought my car) and have her sign the title over to you.  They should be able to tell you what you need to do that.

  4. Your mom is....

  5. Ignore the people who say to buy it for a dollar.  That will incur tax at the average selling value of the vehicle.  Since it is a parent, she can sign the title over to you, and a BILL OF GIFT.  She can give you the car as a gift, you do not want to buy it.  There is a very small circle that can usually gift, and that is parent to child or child to parent.  In some places the grandparent can gift as well, without incurring tax.

    There may be some variations on the law from state to state, province to province, so my information is general to most areas, not specific to yours, as I have no idea where you live.

  6. I have met this kind of problem before,here is the resource I found useful.

  7. State laws vary but from a legal standpoint, if she never signed the title over to you, she owns the car. NO money has to exchange hands, just a short form bill of sale stating that it was a gift to you and she has to sign the appropriate places on the BOS and the title. The myth of selling for a dollar is just that. Gifts can be made but you would have to estimate the value of the gift and pay taxes on that value. Most tax assessors won't fool around with a one dollar BOS, but will accept a BOS saying "One dollar and services rendered". You then estimate the services rendered. The reason being that they know a one dollar bill of sale is an obvious way to beat the tax system (tax evasion) which is illegal for them AND you to do. Draw up a contract or bill of sale and get it notarized. They won't even bat an eye at that.

  8. If her name is on the registration, chances are it's also on the title, which makes her the owner of the car.

    If she wants to give it to you, she can sign off on the title and you can transfer it to your name.

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