
Who is the person that will most stick out in history?

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Who is the person that will most stick out in history?




  1. When I first saw this question, I immediately thought: Hitler.

    Then, I looked at the responses and alot of people said Hitler too.

    Soo yeah, I'm going with Hitler.

  2. Gotta agree with the other folks that have said Jesus.

    Throughout history - and clearly even today - whether you believe in Christianity or not - people fight in his name or against it.

  3. Jesus is the obvious answer, at least from western eyes.

    In India perhaps it is Gandhi. Perhaps in England it is Elizabeth I. In Japan perhaps Tokugawa or Buddha or in China perhaps Confucious.

    I'm not sure there is one 'right' answer due to the subjectivity of 'history' around the world. The whole world is so unique. Everyday we try to forget that for some reason.

  4. unfortunately, probably hitler

  5. Christopher Columbus

  6. I believe the person that will most stick out in history is Jesus Christ,the son of the Almighty God.

  7. timothy mcveigh, because one day he's going to be looked at as a martyr, revolutionist and  freedom fighter

  8. old history?

    Maybe Jesus, Muhammed, Alexander the Great, Julius caesar, Plato.


    Hitler, Ghandi (might be spelled wrong), Martin

    Luther King Jr.

    depends on what period of history and where in the world

  9. That really depends on what time period in the future is being considered. Yes, Hitler is a tragically promising candidate for his and this century but I suspect, he'll fade back into the ranks of others who led their nations to commit mass murder as the eons pass. Think of Ghengis Khan and Tamberlane (Timur) whose slaughtering was probably proportionately as high as Hitler's for the times. And let's not forget Mao and Stalin if victim numbers is a criterion for "sticking out"!

    But I'd go with Jesus and Mohammed for anticipation of really long shelf lives!

  10. Ancient: Jesus

    Recent: Hitler

    I'm Catholic and I'm embarassed to say that when I read this question the first person I thought of was Hitler.

  11. Jesus Christ, the only Son of God is the person most remembered in the history of all of the world.

    I assume by saying " most stick out " you mean " most remembered over time ".

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