
Who is the player you love to hate?

by  |  earlier

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Biker it's my new songwriting look.




  1. Wayne Rooney not only for bein overrated but also for his downright displeasing looks.

  2. Aiden Mcgeady, he has a face you could'nt stop punching.

  3. Paul Hartley as he's pish

    let's get rid and get a forward in  

  4. gotta be 'handsome' neil lemon

  5. novo..talentless badge kisser

  6. Sol 'judas' Campbell

  7. I love to hate?? What does that mean? I hate people because I think they're idoits. Probably McGready  

  8. In Scotland Ignacio Novo in England Ashley Cole

  9. Wayne Bloody Rooney

  10. Robbie Savage hehehe oh and Anderson for Manchester United

  11. Nacho Novo. The git seems to save himself for Old Firm Derbys!!!

  12. novo.

  13. Nacho 'Ewwwwww' Novo.

  14. this sucker...

  15. nacho novo. oops sorry didn`t see the love bit just hate him

  16. gotta go with the flow here and choose Novo!!

  17. E.Van der sar

  18. when he played for celtic neil lennon..i also hate christian ronaldo...hate all that theatrical diving and greetin he does

    crickey all wee nacho did was to pick the right team..:-)

  19. present -Aiden Mcgeady

    past -Neil Lennon

    what happened to yer moby look??? lol

  20. Neil Lennon the Lurgan bigot why? he has caused at lest 2 family's in Lurgan ( of his own persuasion) to up~root because they tried to hide him after he went on the rampage thinking he was a hard man in Lurgan town center then ran away into that family`s homes to hide. then got a PSNI escort out  after they feared a riot and left them folk to face the music..that why he`s not been back to Lurgan and never will even the tims hate him .Lennon legs it the local paper said

    the following week  ..not to talk of the way he acted in Scotland just a part of Scotlands shame

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