
Who is the presttiest girl in yahoo answers?

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Who is the presttiest girl in yahoo answers?





  2. Beauty lies in the eyes of Beholder !

    For ma my Contacts(Avatars !) are all beautiful and pretty. You know my own daughters are on Y/A and for every parent their own kids are pretty :-)

    But all my Y/A Contacts are pretty and beautiful with their minds flowing with beauty of wisdom !  

  3. Well....thats hard! But it's a tough call, between me lol JK I'm not that conceited.

  4. meeee or rajan naudi lol

  5. every girl is pretty in their own sense and every guy is cute the way who is prettiest according to you.

  6. Who do YOU think is the prettiest girl in Yahoo Answers? That is the question!

    Obviously every girl here is going to answer this question saying themselves, and so am I! :)

  7. me =[ trust me i am

  8. my wife..

  9. all of us in some way :]

  10. me(: jk jk  

  11. geez does everyone have to be so self centered?

  12. good question for a poll..from these answers/volunteers ??

  13. Me, ahahah, joking.

    I'm not even close lmao.  

  14. Who is the cutest man on yahoo answers hehehehe............................

  15. meee!

    (i'm a boy)

  16. I'm a s**y beast.

  17. iz dat a question 2 ask, it's me obviously lol =D

  18. We never seen any one except the Avatar

  19. haha me! and im sure EVERYBODY will say tthey are the prettiest!

  20. you are babe.. don't let anyone tell you differently ;)

  21. vote for meh (Y).

  22. me ;)

  23. me duhhhh :)

    kidding. but i really don't

  24. Thats a loaded question because everyone will say them but I think there are tons of pretty girls on Y!A so I can't actually pic one. I don't think I am one of them though I mean I think I am cute but not pretty. Yes there is a difference!

    mine? Please I need Help

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