
Who is the prettier twin?

by  |  earlier

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The same girls are on the same sides in ALL pictures EXCEPT the last one. So label twin on left as #1 and right as # 2. And the last one. Haha. Honest opinion. Thank you! (reversed. twin #1 on right, #2 on left)




  1. I think the one on the left ion the first pic.

    The one on the right in the second pic.

    The one on the left is gorgeous in the 3rd pic, it's by far the best pic out of them all!

    And the one on the right in the last pic.

    I don't know if they're all the same person that i just picked out in each photo.. LOL.

  2. Twin 1#. The other twin's face is a little round although they are both pretty.

  3. I don't like to give ratings.  But, I will say that both of you are very attractive.  It does seem that the one on the right is a bit older?


  4. they both are i cant really decide but i will say#1 both there both really pretty

  5. They both the same to me. There both pretty!

  6. the one on the left.  she has a thinner face than the other..../

  7. They look A LOT alike, They are both beautiful !

    I would have to say the #1 twin .

    but i would rate them both 9!

  8. one on the Left....

  9. Hello! You're twins!

  10. 1 is ugly, #2 is much prettier she has a more natural beauty!

  11. they are both beautiful hot gorgeous a 10 rate love the smile  

  12. your both really pretty! and your guys have nice skin, it looks smooth and the colour is lovely..  

  13. Both look great! = your twins!

  14. The one on the left does. Because she has a nice smile and thinner face. and nice hair!! But on sister sister you can tell which 1 is prettier there to right? or wrong? I havne seent sister sister in like a yr

  15. They look the same! Both gorgeous.

    It looks like #1 thinks she's prettier.. I don't know why. She smiles more, and that's a good thing =]

    You're both really pretty.

    Is there such thing as a prettier twin?!

    =] xx

  16. They look asian.. I don't think they're pretty.

  17. I'd say #1 is prettier, but #2 has better hair.

  18. Twin two. IDK why...

    Answer mine pleez!

  19. heh they are both beautiful but i like number 1 cause her hair cut is cute  

  20. umm i have no idea they look pretty much the same too me i like the #2 girls hair better though

  21. They have different looks. One is more girl-next-door pretty, and the other looks like she's more of a crazy pretty.

  22. #1 because of slimmer face and nicer smile

  23. Twin # 1 wins.  8~)

  24. I would say equal for #2 and 4, but picture 1&3 the one on the left is prettier BUT ONLY because of her smile - smiles are more inviting and attractive.  Both are cute.

  25. I can`t see any difference they are both pretty sorry

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