
Who is the "real" captain of your ship? Where are you sailing, or have you run aground?

by Guest32225  |  earlier

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Who is the "real" captain of your ship? Where are you sailing, or have you run aground?




  1. On board I'm the captain, so climb aboard

    we'll search for tomorrow, on every shore

  2. I can honestly say that I am my real captain of my ship. As an individualist, a questioner of everything and a responsible adult, I do not let others sway me from what I believe is best in my life.

    Others may try to tell you how to run your life, but when it comes down to brass tacks, you are the only one who is responsible for your own life, actions, words and thoughts.

    I have seen many along the way who don't take these words to heart and flounder or get stuck in the sand of the past or allow another to steer them instead of having control of themselves. There is only so much friendship you can give, so much advice to share, before you give up on those who choose not to steer their own ship. Then you have to decide whether you are going to allow them to beach you too or you steer away from them to advance in life's journey.

  3. I am the master and commander of my vessel. My course is plotted, I'm sailing on the correct compass heading and the weather is fair winds and following seas.

    Should the weather change it will be of no matter. I have weathered hurricanes and endured the powder and shot of Man O' Wars

    ... and still my sails do not want.

    For as I live and breathe this song shall be in my heart.....

  4. Jesus has redeemed me. He is the captain of my ship. Sometimes it seems we've run aground because it seems we're not sailing where I think we should. But when I come back to the fact that my life is for His glory, then sink or swim, Jesus is my captain and my savior. He is my redeemer. He is my glory.

  5. My boyfriend Kody is the captain on my ship, and we are sailing off to be alone in our own little world!

  6. GOD! I'm sailing wherever He takes me, otherwise I would always be running aground.

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