
Who is the real communist.?

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All these people are saying that Obama is an extremist a leftist or even a communist. To me it seems that Mccain is the real Communist, who is America borrowing money from to fight the war in Iraq? CHINA! Now what kind of unAmerican system do they have, Autocratic, Totalitarian or Communist.




  1. I do find it HILLARIOUS if not out right wrong that we are so anti-communist but rely on China (largest communist country on earth) for all kinds of stuff.  

  2. Touche!

  3. I never said Obama was a Communist. But when looking at the wheel of politics, left is closer to Socialism, Communism, etc... Our relationship with China will become more distant if Obama magically creates jobs here in the US...right?

  4. If what is going on here was happening in another country we would call them communist.

  5. Scott, I don't want to be rude or flippant, but I think you should maybe look up communism and see what it means.  Borrowing money in an open market from another country certainly doesn't have anything to do with us being communists.  

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