
Who is the real winner of Georgian war ?

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Who is the real winner of Georgian war ?




  1. There is no winner yet and hopefully the war will stop soon

  2. Russia, obviously.

    Firstly, they remain in control of the breakaway regions of S. Ossetia and Abkhazia. Both of which are likely to be annexed to Russia within a couple of years (or less).

    But most importantly, they have announced their return to regional hegemony. They have sent a chilling message to all the other former Soviet republics which have Russian minorities, not to mention threatening Poland with nukes in the process.  

    The geopolitical reality is now different. The Russians have forced the world to sit up and take notice.

    Moreover, they will have changed the internal political reality within Russia. We're not going to see a demoralized Russia struggling to find it's place in the world. We're going to see an angry, nationalistic revenge-seeking Russia, quite willing to throw it's weight around militarily to get it's way. They've had a little taste of victory, after a long period of economic collapse and loss of prestige. You better believe they're going to want more.  

    Personally I'm extremely concerned. There are some stark parallels to Weimer Germany. The danger should not be underestimated. We're on a precipice, and I don't think many realize just how perilous the situation really is.

  3. There is no winner yet. The situation is in flux. The Russian army pretty much trashed the Georgian armed forces, blew up their bases, ransacked their equipment etc.  so if you want to say that is a "win" it is kind of like in Lebanon where the Israelis run in and trash things and then withdraw leaving UN peacekeepers on the borders and a mess behind.  ?

  4. According to me there are no winners in a war, one side just loses less. In this case it would be South Ossetia.

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