
Who is the reptilian race? And the Illuminati?

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Is the reptilian race in charge of the Illuminati and have come into contact with the grays and vowed to be peaceful but sooner or later the Illuminati will build space weapons and start conflict? Loaded question. OK are the Reptilians who are in charge of us were spawned from Atlantis. They are 100% human 100% alien and can shape shift and since they have higher intellect they control inventions and what is invented and what isn't which is why cold fusion, H2O2, Hemp, and some others have been forbidden because the Illuminati wants to control everything so Oil is there conduit and here we are 9/11 was staged and there is no terrorist hiding in caves? I might as well through ghosts in here for the h**l of it.




  1. Well i guess you have sumbed it all up in your statement.By the way the Illuminati is a separate group to the reptilians.The grays are a separate group again.Bin laden is working for the CIA and the queen is from Venus.

  2. the atlantians mix reptile dna with human to make a reptilian race and the the illuminati are a secret society who know secrets of our origin.

  3. Wow!!!   And I thought I was paranoid!   But you know it just might explain the last 7 1/2 years, I sure can't  figure it out and I'm in the top 0.1% brain wise. That is just twisted enough to be true. But I could wrong.

  4. You're on to some things there but if you wan't to put it all together you should checkout a book called "The Illuminatus Trilogy"

  5. For a start, stop reading pretend science magazines like the stuff that is made up to go into the Nexus claptrap. Such publications are made for the sole purpose of only one thing - advertising! They are just conspiracy theories. Nothing more nothing less.

    There is NO reptilian race - so the rest of it is irrelevant. There has never been nor is there any likelihood that we have been or will be visited by an alien life form of any kind - period. A simple way to dispel any misconceptions is for you to learn even the most basic of Astronomy and discover how far just one light year is - let alone the 100's if not 1000's another intelligent life form, if any even exist, that would have to be traversed to get to our insignificant little rock.

    BTW, please do not use horrendous loss of life from 09/11 to try and strengthen or validate arguments. It was not staged and to suggest such a thing is like telling all people who lost loved ones in that horror that they are not really dead. Do not make the same mistake these trash magazines and television shows make and use emotion of such things like loss of life in 09/11.

    Oh, what have ghosts got to do with all that?

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