
Who is the republican evangelical God and what is it`s plan?

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The god the american evangelical movement, and the fundamentalist islam movement seem to refer to has little to no relevance to Christ, or what I learned going to sunday school as a child at the United Pentecostal Church. Are the evangelicals and the alien cults down with the same monster these days? Perhaps some demonic figure, or strange xenocyphillic cryptid stalking the white house halls? Who the h**l are these people praying to? They obviously have not read revelations yet, otherwise they would know better.




  1. So you left the Bun Heads eh?? As by your statement give us an example of the Christ you want everyone to follow, as I sure cant see any of his teaching really being followed by either side.  

    Um note to David I was not referring to Arabs!

    I was raised in the UPC Pentecostal cult, so I can call um the Bunned ones too. Also to me being so called P.C. is a crock and silences ones freedom of speech and I wont bow down to it and will say what I want..sorry.

  2. His plan is to have dead peole rise up out of the ground then have Satan rule the earth for a housand years, while 144,000 jews preach His word, then God comes back and squashes it all like a nest of cockroaches.

  3. Note to "s**y Lil"

    In the interest of Political Correctness.

    Please do not refer to them as "Bun Heads"

    nor towel heads, nor rag heads.

    The thing that they wear is more like a little sheet.

    So please refer to them as Little Sheet Heads.

  4. What ARE you mumbling about?

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