
Who is the responsible for the international days?

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Who is the responsible for the international days? Ex. The mother day, who determine it? who create it by initial? If I would to create an international day, who can help me?






  1. Dear Mr. Suliman,

    Each country has government offices, and those are the places where such days are 'invented'.  America has lots of days that are not celebrated by the entire nation.  But some are holidays for the government offices.

    When I lived in Peru, there were days there too, that were celebrated.  But different from the USA ones.

    There are very few truly INTERNATIONALLY recognized days, but  Earth Day is one.  International Day of Prayer is another

    Mother's Day is a celebrated day, but not on the same day of the year, world over!.

    Go to the politicians in your area and find out if the day you want to celebrate is something they agree with.  No one will want to celebrate "Compost Day"!!  ha ha.

  2. Sorry to disappoint you, but any organization can declare "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" (Sept. 19th).  There is nothing official about it.

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