
Who is the ultimate trustworthy authority regarding global warming,?

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regarding oil, regarding the Amero, the galaxy, etc. Who should we believe? We keep getting conflicting advice.




  1. Dr. Jello ??

  2. God.

    Rev 16:8 says that the sun is the cause.

    Ben, I gave you a thumbs up because you are right on all counts. Nevertheless, there is only one ultimate trustworthy Authority.

    And you really do need to lighten up a bit.

  3. OMG no one seriously how can someone NOT see the effects on global warming... the govermetn is being stupid becasue they are not doing anything about it.. The people that are doing things is like organizations.. soo really its up to the people to stop this issue by doing friendly green things.

  4. I would go with the majority of scientists. Look at the findings.

    It is rare for scientists to agree so when they do then it says something. Look at the reports or the results. It is helpful to look at what opposing scientists say, why are they going against the majority.  Bush and Cheney are the last people I would look to for any real opinion on global warming or science in general. They are business people, not scientists.

  5. I'll give you two choices.

    The IPCC is not a UN organization, it's simply the world's best climatologists getting together every five years to review all the science on global warming since the last meeting.  Here's a review:

    "The drafting of reports by the world’s pre-eminent group of climate scientists is an odd process. For many months scientists contributing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tussle over the evidence. Nothing gets published unless it achieves consensus. This means that the panel’s reports are extremely conservative – even timid. It also means that they are as trustworthy as a scientific document can be."

    Another choice is the National Academy of Sciences.  1800 of the USA's best scientists, elected by their peers.  Being elected to the Academy is like getting an Oscar for science.

  6. What is oil the galaxy and the Amero have in common?

    I go with Thomas Gold:

    Thomas Gold, the controversial US-based astronomer and geoscientist.

    His work 'The Deep Hot Biosphere' is thought provoking.

    How can scientists ignore the abiogenic gas Helium which is found with oil deposits?

    Hydrocarbon Fuels Aren't Fossils:

  7. First off, majority does not rule in science! Second, getting the most press is not science! Third, you have got to ask yourself when excellent scientists disagree with the majority, why would they put up with the media ridicule if they did not have some confidence that their research and theories were as valid as the majority opinion.

    In conclusion, yourself is the most trustworthy authority. Read and have an open mind. The idea that global warming is a settled issue is just bad science. The majority may be right. I would guess that the real answer is somewhere in between the conflicting theories.

  8. On issues like this both sides have their own so called experts.

    You are best to come to your own conclusion, by examining the data you get.

  9. You are the only authority that you should listen to.

    What that means is that if you care about this issue you need to do your research, collect and review data from as many, and as diverse, sources as you can find.  Make sure you understand what they're saying, and then form your opinion.

    If you let someone else make up your mind for you then you're an idiot.

  10. There are many trustworthy sources for information on global climate change.  I haven't determined what the "ultimate" site would be.  I've compiled a list of dozens of good solid sites.  Each one has its own merits.

    It is truly impressive how much reliable information is out there, how much research is being done, how many programs in so many nations are tackling this issue.  It truly does give me hope for the future.

  11. I think you can trust the environmental movement to exagerate any threats or damage to the environment in the name of saving the Earth.  

    'Crying wolf' on the environment seems to be something they regard as a good thing and a service to nature.

    Any claims of a comming apocolypse should be treated with a healthy skepticism.

  12. If the green house gas is not there how can it cause GW??

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