
Who is the woman from westboro church ?/?

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just seen some documantary about her ontv this has got to be a JOKE ?? how can anyone in this day and age, be allowed to spout such utter vile rubbish and get away with it..the woman is mad !!!!




  1. The Phelps family.

  2. Her name is Shirley Phelps-Roper, and her father Fred Phelps is the one who founded westbro.

    I actually think that she may some serious mental disorder. I can't believe all the things she did and said, especially picketing funerals!

  3. Phelps is crazy and viciously abused and indoctrinated his children into believing what he said.

    Two managed to walk away. The rest marinated in the crazy for too long and didn't get out.


  4. There are no women or men in Westboro Baptist Church, only Satan and a gang of demons.

  5. Its not a church, its a hate mongering gathering of the most vile, despicable humans.  

  6. People from that church have such hateful thoughts and only spread hate instead of Christianity's true message of love. The things they do sometimes just shock me.  

  7. A better question would be "WHAT is that woman from WBC?"!

  8. All religions have their extremists........

  9. Indeed they are.  

  10. She is an inhuman ****. It sickens me to no end...I seriously think I'd punch her if I ever saw her in public. d**n security guards...I feel terrible just hearing her children speak like her.

  11. she spouts that vile rubbish and gets away with it cos of free speech and she is quoting from the bible like the pope and many others do.

    She is probably fred phelp's wife, many christians will claim she isn't christian but she can quote from the mistranslated and contradictory book that is the bible, many believers will claim she's hateful and stuff but she is like many others who are bigots - she's more honest about it  

  12. They are mad.  Apparently they are not acquainted with 1st Corinthians chapter 13, which teaches, if you have all knowledge (meaning, if you know the scripture and know the things of God), but have not love, you are like a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

    I won't speak for God, but I'm wondering if these people will be among those to whom Jesus says "away from me, you doers of inequity, I never knew you".

  13. Her father is the founder of the church/the preacher I believe.

    I know. They have a website,

    Some of the things that they do are absolutely horrendous. I think that some of is is a hoax, but some is real.  I am not sure how someone could say such wicked things, but they do...

  14. Please read the trial transcript.  With it you will find a excellent documentary of the history of Fred Phelps and his family and church.  It is truely a sad case of abuse upon abuse.  Fred, the paster, was abused as a child apparently and in turn he has abused his wife and all their children.  Also the three or four spouses of the children.  Most were not allowed to date nor marry.  Fred's wife was caught up in all the crazy also.  It does not excuse their behaviour, but at least you will see how things got so distorted and vile.

  15. Ugh... Shirley Phelps...

    I vomit from the overload of hatred spewing from her mouth every time i hear her speak.

    I also feel overwhelmingly sorry for her children and the other children in the "church." My heart literally breaks for them. They don't even have a chance to find their own way or learn anything on their own. They are taught hate from the the day they are born.

    Shirley Phelps and the rest of them, in my opinion, should be arrested for the mental and emotional abuse of their children.

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