
Who is the worst Prime Minister ever and why ?

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Who is the worst Prime Minister ever and why ?




  1. I agree with the first reply, Chamberlain - he was just one big stupid Victorian creep.  He wanted us to surrender to the n***s in 1940.  His idea was that the n***s would allow him and his arristo kind to continue their lifestyle unhindered, so he did not give a d**n about freedom, liberty and democracy.

    The word 'b*****d' describes Chamberlain well.

    n**i loving Chamberlain meets his idol Adolf Hitler

    Can anyone imagine Winston doing that?  No sir!

  2. Tony Blair. he is a complete traitor. and as if that weren't bad enough 'never forget' that  he's lies and deliberate deception have so far slaughtered five hundred thousand men women and children. the man has made lies acceptable in politics and legalised murder and theft in government. he has opened our borders to terrorists and criminals, and sold us out to Islam and the n**i federation of Europe. the man should be handed over to the people of Iraq for trial, and face the same fate as Saddam.

  3. The prime ministers are only puppets! who is pulling the strings that is the question?

  4. Well can only talk from personal experience in your life time....   Some might say Chamberlain///or Macmillan  or Thatcher   but lots of earlier ones were   not liked    either ,  Its a wide field  to make a choice from    

  5. Well Maggie Thatcher was a tough act to follow but Gordon Brown has managed it in Spades.

  6. Thatcher.

    She crushed and broke the spirit of the working class on the instruction of her business husband and friends.She was responsible for the biggest shift of wealth so the working class was kept down.No political leaders have felt it necessary to redress because they fear the wealthy [who really run the country]

    Now if we are talking Amarica it has to be bush who used american soldiers to invade innocent countries telling the electorate they had weapons of mass destruction.He should have to stand trial for war crimes and ethnic cleansing.

  7. Callaghan - for the "Winter of discontent" and "3-day-week". Look it up.

  8. Thatcher and Blair. Two of the biggest wastes of skin and bone ever. I wouldn't waste a bullet on either - just push them off the nearest tall building. A disgrace to the Uk.

    As for reasons where do you start!? Thatcher for the Falklands, the miners and the introduction generally of law of the jungle government. Blair for Iraq, for sucking up to Bush who is a gibbering imbecile and for being, just slightly, a bigger tw*t than him.

  9. Gordon Brown: He sold most of our gold reserve at rock bottom prices costing us £2billion, or just over £30 for every person in the country. He also appears to be losing control of Scotland to those racist 'we want Independence but still want to use your tax money' tosspots the SNP.

  10. Decode this lyrics "Say you say me"

    Matt 23.27

    Decode this lyrics " Knowing me knowing you"

    Luke 21.30-33

    Look in the real world.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  11. Spencer Perceval. Remembered solely as the only UK PM to have been assassinated (apparently the day after a premonition about it in a dream - but still went to the House of Commons where he was shot)  

  12. At the moment it is a toss up between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, Blair because of the 'spin' and bare faced lying and Brown because of his dithering and backing out of a General Election - what is he afraid of? losing!

  13. Thatcher.  People are still talking about how she broke the economy of the North, and don't forget the Poll Tax.

  14. Looking only at post war PMs, I would say Eden. He lied to the US and effectively lied to Parliament about the pre-Suez deal done with the French and the Israelis.

  15. Gordon Brown - lets have a look at the current financial situation of England and the fact that the Scottish receive financial benefits from England and all we get from them is Brown and his Darling.

  16. Thatcher. You have people 25 and 30 years old still living with mummy and daddy because they can't get a job that pays a living wage.

  17. A bit obvious really, but it has to be Gordon.

  18. Take your pick in my life time between Wilson Callaghan

    Heath Eden.

    I don't think Blair and Brown are can be truly rated yet but they must be close  

  19. George W. Bush, Ruined a Good Country.

  20. The best two prime ministers we have had since the war are Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher as she broke the grip unions had on this country and about time to.

    The worst is Gordon Brown closely followed by Tony Blair, we do not believe a word they ever say, Gordon Brown as chancellor wrecked my private pension by removing tax credits and taking 5 billion pounds a year from private pensions whiule ensuring his labour cronies in Govenrment and local Authorites retain their pension and retire at sixty while the rest of will have to work until we are 70 to pay for it.  The best comment by Brown over the ten per cent tax removal "how would I know I am not an accountent"  no he was the chancellor for ten years proclaiming he was prudent while robbing us blind .

  21. Worst was Thatcher, brutal. She didn't care about those who would never have voted for her, so didn't care if they were employed or not.

    Best ever, has to be Blair my a mile.

  22. Gordon Brown!Why?He is indecisive,liar,poor Chancellor of the Exchequer,very poor communicator! Too Pro EU!

  23. Chamberlin - gave in to Hitler and made WWII possible.

  24. There have been quite a few bad ones in the last century and I agree with those who have named Chamberlain, Eden, Callaghan and Heath.  None of them exactly covered themselves with glory.

    The difference between Blair and Brown is like the difference between  a flea and a louse.  Brown has virtually bankrupted the country and it will take many years to get things straight again.  Blair, though, was an ex member of CND who became the worst warmonger that

    we have had in the last hundred years or so.  He sent our troops into battle in Iraq on a lie, resulting in thousands of deaths, not to mention our own troops.  Our presence in Afghanistan seems to be largely due to his blind  devotion to George Bush as was, no doubt Kosovo.  The fact that he and Bush are supposed to be deeply religious is even more frightening when you consider that it is fanatical religious types that we are now fighting, with the resultant terrorism in our own country.  Cheers for that, Blair.

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