
Who is the worst president of all time?

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I know people have asked this question before, but please answer honestly. Who do you think in the history of our country has been the worst president of all time?




  1. Lincoln.  If he hadn't freed the slaves, we wouldn't have to worry about such a messed up candidate.

    I kid, I kid.  Seriously, I would have to say Carter.

  2. Herbert Hoover gets my vote.  He was in office when the great depression hit.  The rest is history and He was a republican and guess who had to fix the mess a democrat!  Franklin Roosevelt!

  3. Reagan, with Bush closing in fast.

  4. George W. Bush by a long shot

  5. Definately, it is G.W. Bush considering economy status before he came in and what it is now. He likes war than peace. you can imagine the number of Americans that have died uneccessarily in the war that can be avoided.

  6. Hard to say, but you could pick either one of the last two...a lying perjurer and a bumbling incompetent...and not be too far off.

  7. G.W.Bush

  8. George "dubya" Bush

  9. thunder2 has some good answers, but I would add Pres Clinton

    because of the following.  He had three opportunities to lower taxes and he refused.

    He committed a treasonous act when he allowed the Chinese to acquire sensitive nuclear info from our defense dept.

    He did one or two good things, but way too many bad things.  And you don't even have to study history to know these things.  Just look in any old newspaper.  The left winged media were unable to hide all the damage because of talk radio and the net.

    I Cr 13;8a

    And btw what FDR did to the West Coast Japanese was just plain WRONG!  No I'm not Asian but you don't have to hit me over the head with a base ball bat for me to know something is just plain  wrong.

  10. nixon


  11. For those who think its Bush, you need to get back into your history classes!

    How about:

    James Buchanan (1857-1861)

    He refused to challenge either the spread of slavery or the growing bloc of states that became the Confederacy.

    Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)

    He was an ineffectual and indecisive leader who played poker while his friends plundered the U.S. treasury.

    Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)

    He survived impeachment after opposing Reconstruction initiatives including the 14th amendment.

    Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)

    His fervor for expanding the borders--thereby adding several slave states--helped set the stage for the Civil War.

    Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)

    He backed the Compromise of 1850 that delayed the Southern secession by allowing slavery to spread.

    John Tyler (1841-1845)

    He was a stalwart defender of slavery who abandoned his party’s platform once he was president.

    Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)

    Serving right after Johnson, he presided over an outbreak of graft and corruption, but had good intentions.

    William Harrison (1841)

    He was president for all of 30 days after contracting pneumonia during his interminable inaugural.

    Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)

    He was known as a poor communicator who fueled trade wars and exacerbated the Depression.

    Richard Nixon (1969-1974)

    Though politically gifted, he will forever be associated with the Watergate scandal and his resignation.

    Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)

    A political novice, the war hero is entirely forgettable as president.

    Jimmy Carter: (1977-1981)

    One absurd decision, considered "controversial" by even his ardent supporters, was the final negotiation and signature of the "Panama Canal Treaties" in September 1977. Those treaties, which essentially would transfer control of the American-built Panama Canal to the nation of Panama, were bitterly opposed by a majority of the American public. The treaties transferred a great strategic American asset - one that nearly 30,000 men died while constructing it over a decade -- to a corrupt third-world military dictatorship.

    Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)

    - VIETNAM!

  12. I see the liberal brain damaged Bush haters are on line this morning. I got news for all of you, Bush isn't running for office. Find some other way to spend your time. Bush bashing is boring and irrelevant, just like you.

  13. It's a tie...

    Lincoln for being the first to really start with ignoring the constitution.

    FDR for stacking the supreme court. First to really do that and began the use of the supreme court to make law.

    Every one since FDR for not having the balls to demand those mistakes be reversed.

  14. Woodrow Wilson- for allowing the Federal Reserve.

  15. Bush, Roosevelt, Reagan and Woodrow Wilson.

    Bush - no comment

    Roosevelt for selling Europe out to Stalin

    Reagan for Reaganomics, destroying our Economy

    Wilson for creating the set up for WW2 and the depression

  16. Bill Clinton is the only President that allowed not only civilians but also military targets be hit repeatedly with out trying to defend our own people.  He also let known terrorists go when our military had them in their sights more than once.  He also weakened our military so it is in the bad shape that it is today.

  17. i am sure it is not bush, but everyone will tell you that he is, they dont look at the good things. blame that on the media. they dont want you to hear anything good about our presidents

    ya know what, i dont think it is your  place to judge that. you should be asamed. this is a great country. shame on you

  18. i go with our current, george w.

  19. The majority of posters don't remember enough about US History to even give an intelligent answer.

    From the post 1900 era I'd say Jimmy Carter or Lyndon B Johnson. Prior to that Ulysses S. Grant.

    Jimmy only had one good idea during his whole Presidency and he couldn't even get a heavily Democrat controlled Congress to make it happen. Energy Independance.

    LBJ hishandled the whole Viet Nam thing and althought he did get Congress to approve flood gates on Lake Ponchatrain he never followed through with even getting them started.

    Grant was a great general but he was corrupt and a lousy politician to boot.

    To all of those who are going to bash George Bush. I'm going to say this. The guy before him may have not started any wars, but he didn't prevent anything from happening either. In fact what he's given the most credit for (the economy) he didn't even have a part in.

  20. No American President has ignored the needs of the people and kissed the butts of the Big Corporations like George Bush. And no President has left America with so much debt. Simply check the value of the U.S. Dollar when he took office and what it is now. I could go on and on.

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