
Who is the writter of bible?

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Who is the writter of bible?




  1. im agnostic.

    how do we know whether its fiction or non fiction?

    we dont, we believe.

    &not everything we believe is true.

  2. A human being

  3. written by Jesus disciples

  4. God Himself is the writer of His word.  Yes it is written by men mostly but God was the one that gave them the words and thoughts to write. Devine intervention

  5. WELLLLL there is a lot of speculation on this. Technically if you are basing it on Christian beliefs, God dictated the bible and his prophets wrote it. In reality though, many different men through out history have added to the bible. The one most are familiar with, however, is the King James' Version of the bible which was not written by King James I but he had authority of what was included it in and what was not. But several people, some named and some not, physically wrote it.

  6. Aliens  pretending to be divinely inspired. They were from the planet Biblioteca. They were not the best of writers, many are quite boring and long winded. If I'd been in charge I'd have sent some really good writers like Shakespeare, to do the job for me. But at least those Bible writing aliens were good spellers, which we don't see many of here.

  7. Mostly men, but a few women may have done some of the scribbling behind the scenes and let their men take the credit. Talk about divine inspiration.  

  8. By diift messengers of God compiled by disciples of jesus and the Christ followed in toto

  9. Bible is not a product of one era or a particular time. The old testament was written in aramic and hebrew language. Different book of the Bible is written by different writters. The Dead sea scroll is one of the oldest record of the Bible found today. The believe is that Man of God recorded the Bible by the inspiration of God. The old testaments are mainly comprmise of historical happenings and God's plan for the new era that is the coming of Jesus Christ through which the New testament was formed... The new Testament is written by the desciples of Jesus Christ.. Every book in the Bible have some references to its author directly or indirectly. The new testament is written in Greek commonly known as Koine Greek... which was the official language during the Roman empire..  

  10. There are lots of writers.  Apparently they were all written by God, but through Matthew, Saul, Job, etc.

  11. The old testimate is supposidly written by kings, Judges, ect.

    & the prophetic books were edited & written by Isaiah, Jeremiah, ect.

    and The new testimate was said to be unkown(or at least at a penicostal church)

    It was a group effort I guess you could say.

    Also there is a beleif that the descindents of god wrote most of the bible & edited the ideas & stories.

    every religion is different

    My church also says that god is the writer of the words himself, but it was written through descindents. & Matthew & Saul ect.

  12. at first god wrote the 10 commands, then moses the bible, then all the four fathers then prophets then so on. writen in ancient hebrew i know wat its caled in hebrew its called ahramhit ( ah-ra- meet) and then translated to hebrew then other languages

  13. I believe that the writers of the Bible are the disciples of Jesus.  Paul, John, Jacob, etc.  It was originally written in Hebrew I believe & then many years later translated to English & other languages.

  14. The diciples and other people. The Bible is a compilation of books. Each book has a chapter.


  15. Humans.

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