
Who is this quote more appropriate to...?

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... men or feminists?

“[Men are] freaks of nature... full of q***r obsessions about fetishistic activities and fantasy goals” - Germaine Greer (1999) 'The Whole Woman'.

Do you think Greer is demonstrating a classic example of Freudian projection?




  1. Men are more into feet, children, and other oddities, if only by a small amount. Your example shows extremely misled feminism. Today's woman under 35 is much more likely to have wistful, unrealistic fantasies about the perfect man than men are about the perfect woman.

  2. Please tell me, when the male women haters here post comments like how women are untrustworthy, deceitful and dumb, are they projecting as well?

    You seem to be portraying a classic double standard. There are rampant anti-female comments all over this forum and yet you seek out dusty old quotes to find examples of women being negative towards men. Go analyze yourself first dear.

  3. It's not appropriate to either half the human race, men or women.

    Nor does it appropriate apply to all humans who consider women to be human.

  4. I don't know if this will answer your question. Men have a greater and more imaginative s*x drive. Modern women have difficulty understanding and even more difficulty accepting this fact. Feminism has deceived women into believing  that there is no difference between the male and female s*x drive. This could not be more wrong. Human sexuality is complex. One persons obsession is another persons repulsion.

  5. She suffered from sado-narcissism and crass commercialism.

  6. LOL, sounds like it might very well be!.

  7. I remember when she was on celebrity big brother a few years ago, she said the Americans would have picked up the mega tsunami caused by the Indian ocean earthquake. They just didn't tell the countries effected because they wanted Muslims to die, I really can't understand why anyone would take anything this woman says seriously.

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