
Who is this weird russian celebrity?

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I was watching a russian music channel a couple of days ago and i came across this incredibly strange russian man while wathing a music video. I was intrigued by his weirdness so I had to find out who he was.

Since the channel was totally Russian i couldnt make out what his name was. He was featured in a music video of 3 to 4 girls. He was wearing numerous outfits, one of them being one with massive angel wigs and outfit. There's also a shot of his head with him wearing a black hat with diamantes spelling out a word on it

His hair was long-ish and was brown with alot of blonde highlights. His face was very odd looking, the most striking thing it being his lips, which were massive and were obviously pumped up.

Help me out here




  1. Ha ha that is impossible to say unless a person as seen the show.!!!

    What is the song called, etc......... too little info, sorry.!!!

  2. It sounds like Yakov Smirnoff who has an obnoxious show in Branson now.

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