
Who is tired before the day has even started, with Kids?

by  |  earlier

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I am a mum to 5 kids, and looking afer my sisters 3 kids because she has gone into labour.

I am already tired and its 10.00 am! I have an 11,9, 8,6,4,3 (twins) and a 6 day old baby in my house and i could go back to bed.

Does anybody else feel like this? Half of them are not even awake!




  1. no woner why your tired already,id be the same if i had that many kids to be watching,im wide awake but then again i only have 3 kids, good luck !!!!

  2. I have two kids and my oldest sister has nine beautiful brats of her own. I have kept all eleven kids for a weekend twice, so I know how you feel. Make the older kids help you out with the younger ones.

  3. it is 10 am and 1/2 are not awake!! Lucky you. Mine are always up by 7am. the only one that is going to be a lot of work is the newborn. the older 4 can amuse themselves and the 3 and 4 year olds can all play together.

  4. I only have 1 child, a little girl of 20 months and I feel like that so lord knows how you feel.

    Life seems to just revolve around the kids & draining you of every ounce of energy and sanity left in you.

  5. I have days like that.  Really if i have a busy or bad day the day before i am already tired or if i know just how crazy the day will be when the day starts it will make me tired.  Friday i was tired from the time i got up because i knew we were going to a busy family cookout with lots of kids screaming and everything.

  6. Be careful with all of those kids. You might get so tired of doze off and they aren't being watched. Maybe call a family member or friend for some help.

  7. yes i feel like that every day when my 5 year old decides that  at 5am it is time for me to get out of bed,  and then he wakes up my other 3 kids given half the chance

    It dont matter what time of the night i put him to bed he is always up at that time,

    Good luck to you with 8 kids to look after i cant see you are going to get much peace today,

  8. wow youve got ur hands full

  9. no, i m lucky i don't have any screaming brats

  10. *raises hand* yep I get tired and worn out alot and I only have two kids. :)

  11. Oh my! get the lot out in the garden and give them a big bowl of water and spray guns or whatever...MAKE the big ones organise races etc.....give them dough made from flour salt and water and let them make stuff with it in the garden and then bake them all while they watch tv...then they can paint them.....I feel for you!

  12. wow!!  8 kids!!  you are bound to be are coping with much more than most of us do!!  just think...your sister's children will be home this time will pass - then back to routine!

  13. It's nightime here and I just got to sit down for the first time today (been up since 5AM). I run around all day with a 4, 2, and (as of tomorrow) 3, 12day olds. I'm beat but I wanted to Y!A (it's addicting) before bed.

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