
Who is tired of seeing ridiculous questions asked here?

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I am almost at the end of my rope here! I am seeing more and more unrelated off the wall questions asked everyday in this section. Why are there biology and rate my pokemon team questions being asked in a Geology and Earth Science section yahoo answers? Biology has their own section, so why are they asked here? Am I wrong for thinking this way? I am at the point where I just want to report every question that is unrelated to Earth Science & Geology. I personally want to talk about volcanoes, rock dating, minerals, EQs and Geological stuff. What are your thoughts on this topic?

Oh... I've got another.... Dead end questions with no possible right answer like, "How long does it take a drop of oil to get from America to Europe in the ocean?" If this is your HW question I feel bad for you, but you should use your text book to figure it out the clues are there, not here.




  1. bustersmycat: God I feel you on that one. Its almost been asked 9000 times. It should be banned, dammit.

    And Penn, I hear ya loud and clear. The categorizer is cool but not smart and people just don't pay attention. Also, the vast majority of people in general are idiots, so things probably won't get better.

  2. Yeah we already knew,  thanks for pointing out the obvious.

  3. A bit judge mental>>>. This is an open forum and all age of persons ask question. Some of them are teens or kids and I'm guessing the question is important to them at that moment. Don't answer questions that are beneath you.

  4. ridiculos question means ridculus answers and everyone needs to laugh once in a while so cheer up and enjoy the stupid questions RIDE!>!?!?!?!?ONE!!!

  5. Um, why is the sky blue? (I remember actually answering this several times in the way back when, my first few days on YA).  Now I just want to scream when I see it.  DAILY.

    I think I lost my top contributor status because I stopped answering for the past few weeks due to the lack of interesting questions to answer.  Plus, the ones that would have been interesting had already been answered well.

    Anyway, the oddball questions and repetition are jsut the nature of the beast.  It is what YA is.  I miss the old USENET days when we could have a running discussion on sci.geology or the other similar forums.  Usenet is useless now.  Just for child p**n people as far as I can tell.

    Here, discussion (exchange of ideas) is actively discouraged.

    I do enjoy helping people understand things a bit better.  There is a lot of ignorance in the general population about geological subjects.  We are poor salesmen, I guess.

  6. I know and I'm tired of it to! Some of the people that  ask the questions already know the answers!

  7. lol. Believe it or not.. depending on how they ask their question.. the category options may already have this category marked. Like if their question (I don't know ANYTHING about Pokemon) had a word related to Earth Science or Geology.

    Like go into a search bar and type in: Pokemon Volcano or Pokemon Earth Science or Pokemon Geology (I just did) and things will actually show up.

    I'm guessing some of it has to do with a simple case of not paying attention. They just write their question and post it with whatever category Yahoo answers picked for them without going and specifying. It's like that in most categories.

    Anyways.. I have no thoughts about anything Earth Science related. I just saw your question on the main page. I could talk more about biology lol.


    the "why is the sky blue?" questions aren't half as bad as the MILLION "am I pregnant?" questions! lol.

    It amazes me that people have no knowledge of the human reproductive system... you know... considering the fact that they're human. lol.

  8. Or even worse, the idiot answers and the misspellings.

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