
Who is to be blamed for the rise in teenage problem?

by Guest56988  |  earlier

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parents or the environment




  1. YOU

  2. Both. Plus the teens themselves. I have 2 teen daughters, one is "on-track" and the other is currently "on-the-run." Explain that.

  3. I am 14 and I believe a little bit of both is to blame.

    1) Parents: They are responsible for their child regardless. Lack of parenting can cause teenagers to run wild, but also too strict parenting can cause a child to feel like a prisoner and when let out free will stretch out and explore everything, or may also run wild.

    2) Media: I think the media has a lot to do with teen girls problems. They see that Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, etc. are what they call perfect when in reality it's not. The media needs to be more open to all kinds of body shapes, races, and etc.

    3) Ourselves: Maybe lack of confidence may cause a teen to do something they later regret. I also see that teens have a choice in what they say, do, or imitate. Therefor they have no right to blame their problems on someone else.  

  4. Parents! I believe that parents not staying together now days is a big concern to why kids are so screwed up.

  5. This varies across the board. Bad parenting can sure cause teenage grief issues. Choice of friends can also be an issue. What is seen through the media also can influence teenagers behaviours. Ultimately it comes downs to the teenager as well. But I say a combination of factors is the cause of these issues.

  6. I say the teenagers but you have to be more specific because there are a lot of problems going on with teens. It's not the parents fault because they try to talk explain things to teen and the environment i guess has somthing to do with it because the teens do what everybody else is doing but the teens have a mind of their own so whatever happens it's their fault and only theirs.

  7. Parents, ultimately it's up to the parents to teach the child what is right and wrong, what is moral and what is not. Society is the by product of these teachings. it's a vicious cycle.

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