
Who is to blame For unhealthy weight and Mined of young children?

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Do you think that Parents who over feed there children should be arrested..(you know what i mean by over feed)

Or that School should be able to give you child birth control

Or Do you think parent should have to give there child there yearly shots.

Just asking




  1. No, the parents who overfeed their children shouldnt be arrested but given a VERY firm talking to. Theres nothing that ticks me off more than to see a parent give their kid a huge thing of candy or regular soda. I just want to slap them.

    The birth control thing, Im not really sure, it should be a personal choice. Dont think the school should be able to give them out, but parents these days sometimes dont really see to have the right of mind about it.

  2. I think that people who constantly feed their children bad food and only bad food are horrible. Parents need to teach their kids to make the right decisions including what to eat.

    I think school should be able to give your kids birth control, I hate the idea of it but the truth is kids are going to have s*x, wether you like it or not, and if your kids is one of the minority that doesn't thats great, but I think the one's that are going to need birth control. They need better s*x education classes though also I believe.

    I think if a child is going to attend school they should have to have yearly shots. It's not safe for other kids to be around kids who haven't had them. It's not fair to the other people. If you don't want your kids to have shots homeschool them.

  3. I think that people who constantly feed their children or only feed them only junk food are horrible! They should be made to go to some type of classes. Maybe even get a fine. I'm not saying this for kids who are maybe a little bigger, I'm talking about the people with obese children.

    I think school should be able to give your kids birth control. Although it makes me cringe to think of kids having s*x, it's going to happen. Is it a better choice to have a ton of uneducated, teen mothers? Or give them protection. Everyone knows the right answer for this one. Also, in most schools s*x education is a course your parents can pull you out of. I think all children NEED to be in this class. And they need to start talking about actual s*x before high school.

    Parents SHOULD give their children shots if enrolled it school or daycare. They are around other children. I don't want my children getting sick because their are children without shots. If you don't want your child to have shots, fine, but don't send them to school.

  4. yes, it's a form of neglect, it's just as bad as starving them.

    I think Birth control or better s*x education should be availible in school

    and I think that the schools should give the children their shots.

  5. The parents.  I think it is child abuse to let your child become obese.  Obesity causes diabetes and several other health problems.  Just like hitting or not feeding your baby causes bodily injury, I think child obesity should be on the same list.  

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