
Who is to blame for braking my guitar

by  |  earlier

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i just bought a second hand guitar from a shop i was in the middle of restringing the guitar when one of the pins heads broke off leaving the pin jammed inside i i managed to get the pin out but this lifted the bridge this happend because whoever strung the guitar last never put the string in the rut (in the pin) they just wedged it in do you think the shop will give my money back if not any ideas how to fix the bridge back on the body




  1. I didn't know guitars had brakes.

  2. I say listen to Samantha

  3. It's your should have noticed it before you bought it, and you should have taken more care in replacing the strings.

  4. I Believe if you explained to them what actually really happened to you guitar they will give you a new one or maybe even fix it for free.

  5. Hmm, I would take it back and explain , calmly what has happened and see if they offer any help.

  6. Blame the Restringer, or what-ever you call them.

  7. if you still have the receipt take it back, you usually have a 30day warranty and if you purchased it with a credit card you have even more protection especially if you have payment insurance

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