
Who is to blame for global warming?

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DR jello

check ur mail.




  1. I blame the Sun for warming the globe

  2. whoever thought of concrete, and didnt want to make it white.

    (no rascism btw)

  3. The same people who caused Y2K.

    Remember that myth?

    Hey, ive got to go. Bigfoot just emailed me.

  4. Everyone's pretty much contributing to global warming for the fact that those who breathe give out co2. So pretty much everyone everything and anything :]

  5. About 50% of global Co2 emissions come from developing nations, who have no intention of cutting emissions.  China alone accounts for 1/4 of the global total, and with their economy growing at 10% per year, guess where they'll be in 10 years?

    Black soot is another major factor, and that's mainly from dirty coal plants in developing nations and from cooking fires.  China is building 500+ new coal-fired power plants.

    Why is China doing this?  To build cheap goods for Wal-Mart and other major corporations.  Revenue-wise, Wal-Mart is the seventh largest nation in the world, but no one seems to hold them accountable for having no standards regarding how their products are produced.  The funny thing is, Wal-Mart doen't even pay their own employees enough to pay the new taxes that will be required to partially, but ineffectively, combat the global warming that Wal-Mart pays its suppliers to create.  The Walton family sits back and collects those billions of dollars that aren't paid to employees.  They even want you to agree to eliminate the inheritance tax so they can pay tens of billions less of the cost that the rest of us will all have to carry due to their actions.

    Where Wal-Mart goes, Target, Costco, and others follow.  Wal-Mart could stop global warming in a heartbeat, more effectively than global politicians, and they could incent developing nations to compete for soot and greenhouse gas emission reductions without haggling in the U.N. for decades over ineffective treaties.

    Ordinary United States citizens don't make most of the lousy choices that result in emissions here and in developing nations, but we're being asked to foot the bill for the ineffective response to the problem, so a few ultra-rich folks can remain unaccountable.  How stupid is that?  Calculate the global impact of Wal-Mart, and send the bill to the Walton family.  Do the same for every major U.S. corporation.  Hold them all accountable for their damaging decisions and actions globally.

  6. You


  7. @Dr Jello

    How can you blame the sun for Global Warming, when that's the thing that helps us live, and gives us energy.

  8. Follow the money.

    Is climate change getting worse? On Dec. 12, Usha Lee McFarling wrote in the Los Angeles Times that "groups that are concerned about climate change point out that the rate of warming is steeply increasing," something which would (and perhaps should) alarm every reader.

    Her source? Lester Brown, author of about 25 consecutive annual "State of the World" reports about how ecological doom is at hand. (After a quarter-century don’t you think even the greenest "pressie" might catch on to the scam)?

    Quoting Mr. Brown, Ms. McFarling wrote, "Studying these annual temperature data, one gets the unmistakable feeling that the temperature is rising and that the rise is gaining momentum."

    How California!  Mr. Brown and the L.A. Times may choose to trust "feelings," but real science is a world where the data report and the data decide. Is there an accelerating warming trend in recent decades? Absolutely not.

    While the very green L.A. Times characterized Mr. Brown as a "respected authority" on climate, he isn’t. Rather, he is an experienced agronomist. So it’s not surprising that he's not overly current with trends in climate science.

    According to James Mahoney at the Department of Commerce, taxpayers have doled out about $20 billion on climate science since 1990, and unless all that money is wrong, human-induced warming should take place at a constant or nearly constant rate once it starts. That's the "central tendency" of the dozens of models for future climate that have been developed largely on those dollars - a fact illustrated in Chapter 9 of the latest compendium an climate change from the United Nations.

    How difficult is it to determine whether warming is accelerating since the mid-1970s? It took Mr. Knappenberger, Research Director for the Cato Institute about 10 minutes to find the U.N. global temperature record and analyze it for increasing trends.

    It would be convenient to blame this all on ideologues, but unfortunately it is often the scientific community itself that is less than candid. On Dec. 8, both the L.A. Times and the N.Y Times carried a story head- lined "Arctic lce Is Melting at Record Level, Scientists Say.” The N.Y Times actually contradicted itself in the first sentence, which read, "The melting of Greenland glaciers and Arctic Ocean sea ice this past summer reached levels not seen in decades!" Some record.

    All of this came out of the December meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco from a paper that examined satellite records of arctic ice back to 1978. The selfsame AGU, in its premier journal EOS, on Nov. 18, ran an article by Igor Polyakov that examined arctic ice and temperature back to 1878, a record some 100 years longer than the satellite data. Discussing ice extent, Mr. Polyakov wrote, "Long-term trends are small and generally statistically insignificant," and that "the high latitude temperature increase was stronger in the late 1930s to the early 1940s," long before the initiation of much human warming. The warmest arctic year was 1938, some 64 years ago.

    None of this was noted in any press contact with the AGU. So it's not just the media. But surely some science editor at either newspaper had to be aware of Mr. Polyakov's article. And if they weren’t, why are they science editors at papers of such stature?

    And Stringaddict (aka "Don't bother me with facts"), your science credentials are what?????

    So Partha, why did poverty exist 2000 years ago?

  9. Greedy uneducated people.

  10. human ignorance..

  11. Everyone is to blame because we all had something to do with it for example  where your clothes came from most likely from a diffrent country so that is something to do with global warming.

  12. farting leprechauns

  13. Why to play the blame game? It is we, everybody!!

    We all responsible for the catastrophic global warming.

    Both developed or developing countries are equally responsible. We all know, the air pollution, emission of greenhouse gases are the cause of global warming. All these are because of rapid industrialization – previously done by developed nations and now done by developing nations.

    Another factor, I feel, is very important that is POPULATION EXPLOSION.

    Poverty exists because of this overpopulation. Overpopulation and poverty, especially in developing nations, do not allow industry to deliver greener or cleaner energy / products by not allowing latest technology or cleaner raw materials, because of cost factor.

    For further information on environmental issue, please refer : http://www.environmentengineering.blogsp...

  14. I think everyone, but then again I think it is fake.

  15. Anyone who keeps humanity addicted to and dependent on fossil fuels.  Anyone who says it's not real.  Anyone who cares more about economics than human existence.  Anyone foolish enough to drive an SUV.  Anyone in such denial that thinks humankind does not have an impact on his environment and that the planet is human proof.

  16. The earth's continuous, natural, cyclical pattern of warming and cooling.

  17. everyone that didn't do enough while they could because they couldn't be bothered

    or even terrified of the thought of being called a hippy

    also politicians that should have pushed everyone to do more instead of being worried about the media finding out about theirs secrets who cares about their s*x life?

    i think its good that famous people that a lot of teenagers especially admire are making adverts and putting them on channels that they watch to talk about the enviroment problems like justin timberlake and cameron diaz etc.


  18. Global Swarming is not happening - silly question.

  19. ever wonder if it is caused by the earth spining and getting nearer to the sun, instead of so called actions of everyone on the planet

  20. Global warming is minimal, and is caused by the sun.  It is always followed by a period of cooling, which is also minimal.

  21. 1- the countries that lie about their waste disposal figures ..etc

    2- the countries who refuse to sign kyoto ( e.g USA)

    3- EVERY SINGLE PERSON who dose not contribute and act irresponsibly toward the planet

  22. I think that the responsibility for the earth warming is of  the humanity,since we use fossil fuel that outcomes in rise of the level of gases and we have destroyed a enormous part of the forests that are the lung of the world.

  23. The media for making it up.

  24. Some people blame humans for it,

    Others understand that the planet has experienced cooling and warming cycles in the past due to many reasons that are unrelated to humans, like the Sun.

    For some people this can be a very scary subject, so it becomes easy to blame humans because 'if humans did it, then humans can undo it'..... it's more controllable....

    But, If the Sun did it, then how would I complain to it?, would it listen? praying..... but it is still easier to blame humans for it......

    Reasoning becomes very challenging in the presence of fear....

  25. Jacob Black because he's so HOT!

    Twilight fans- back me up! ;]

  26. no one, its natural and the globe isn't warming anymore anyway

  27. nobody because it doesn't exist!

  28. everyone is . we all contribute to polluting the atmosphere in some shape are form. It is our fault and we must stop it

  29. We as a whole are responsible,,,,,,,As in We The People are........We could pass the buck Bottom line is ....We Are

  30. are you sitting in front of a computer screen powered by electricity?

    then its you

  31. The people who refuse to sign the Kyoto Agreement, and who use more resources than the rest of the world short, the USA.

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