
Who is to blame if those kids just screwed their lives ?

by  |  earlier

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they are just 16, and mainly screwed it:

So, what do you think, blame those illegal aliens for been there to be slayed, those kids parents because the failed to teach them the precious value of a life (both theirs and other ones) or you think you are old enuff to get drunk, then you can go to jail...?




  1. I'm sure there's much more to this story than meets the eye. It could very well be a case of the illegal starting a fight with them and it got out of control. Perhaps those kids got fed up with being bullied by people who don't belong here and they snapped.

    I blame our government for not stopping border hopping criminals in this country and I blame the illegals.

  2. The fact that the person who was murdered was an illegal immigrant shouldn't have even been the focus of that matter. The issue at hand is the sick, violent children who did that, not the origins of the person they killed. I completely agree with you. Some people don't hold much value to human life.

  3. Let's see! they where under-aged and drunk, they where yelling out racial slurs, they out numbered him, and they lied to the police!

    Both the parents and the media are to blame. Certainly not an innocent illegal immigrant that was just minding his own business.

    I hope they get what they deserve!

  4. They seem like classic textbook school bullies. Parade their mugshots all over America. Punks all over need to be taught a lesson.

    I don't feel sorry for them.

  5. If illegals want jobs, they should stay away from areas that are already depressed and not take what precious few jobs are available just because they'll work for pennies on the dollar.  I do hate to see anyone loose their life though.  But what do you expect to happen?

  6. how about a little parental guidance problem seems an apt avenue

  7. How can you blame a victim just for being there in the wrong place and at the wrong time?

  8. i believe that although it is the parents fault the kids must be punished to try and reverse some of the teachings of the parents.

  9. Those kids are about as disturbed as it gets, who knows where they got their racism from, you can't just assume from their parents, it could be internet, friends etc.

    Just like illegals need to take responsibility for illegally invading a nation, those kids need to take responsibility for the murder thy committed.

  10. They should be shot.

    They are to blame, of course. About the parents, I don't know

  11. At some point you have to take responsibility for your own life. I think by sixteen you pretty much know when you are doing something really wrong. They have no one to blame but themselves.

  12. it is not only those kid's fault  but it is the parents as well... where do u think they got their way of thinking??? they beat the poor man to death because of his race... and where were the parents at that time of night... who was watching them when they were out  drinking at that age... every person is responsible for their own actions, especially at that age... they knew what they were doing...  

    that man's legal status has nothing to do with what they did, nor does it make it right just because he was illegally in the country... I hope they spend a very long time in prison for what they did... I'm glad this case got national attention because otherwise the authorities would be trying to somehow get these kids off with a slap on the hands... the authorities and even the mayor was trying to cover it up by saying race had nothing to do with it and that this was a fight that got out of hand... why do you think it took that long for them to make an arrest in this case???

  13. Those kids had no authority within them to take law in their hands by killing someone, whether that person was illegal or not. They screwed their own lives by committing murder.

    They can only blame themselves for making terribly bad choice and now they have to face consequences.  

  14. The government for letting 20+ million illegals into our borders for cheap labor. 1 down 20+ to go. Calling me a racist wont get you immunity. Cheap labor comes at a price none of us could imagine, Especially these kids. Who hasn't been in a fight, It sounds like he should have bobbed when he weaved.

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