
Who is toping global warming and how?

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stoping sry




  1. Yeah- I have no intention to stop global warming either (in contrary to Bowye T) because it is something natural.

  2. How can you stop something that doesnt even exist!

    Look at records of the past, weather comes in "waves"

    In the 80's they thought the world was gonna freeze over.

    The government wanted to put ashes on the snow-caps to make the sun reflect it and warm the Earth!

  3. Who is trying? About half the world. Most countries have ratified the Kyoto Protocol, the US is the only country that refuses to do so (that doesn't mean they're the only one that hasn't; that means they're the only one who plans not to; several other countries have not decided whether or not to yet).

    While emissions have been cut in many countries, thus far the warming has not stopped. It has slowed, but the deceleration can be attributed to la nina, the cool phase of the ENSO.

  4. Contrary to what Bowye T thinks, not everyone is trying to stop it.  I make no effort what so ever to curb my carbon emissions.  Until Global Warming has been proved beyond a doubt, I refuse to buy into the hoax.

  5. anybody and everyone is trying stopping global warming. if you want to participate, there are a lot of things to do.




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