
Who is tougher, Rocky Marciano or Jack Dempsey?

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Who is tougher, Rocky Marciano or Jack Dempsey?




  1. This is an easy question and i have to give thumbs up to galactus for his answer, Dempsey used the color line to dodge all the black contenders of his time and his beating of willard was not unexpected after all willard was never a great boxer to begin with heck he even had firpo flown to the U.S instead of giving Harry Wills a shot at the title and received a beating before winning the fight(and louis firpo was nowhere as good as harry wills), at least Marciano faced the best available competition and NEVER EVER dodged anyone, marciano never backed down and always got up when ever he was knocked down, he was the epitome of toughness in his time and he was 100 times tougher than jack dempsey.

  2. rocky had the punch! give me the rock!

  3. Considering that Rock never lost, I give Marciano the edge, two of the all time best of the heavyweight division.

  4. Today Dempsey's toughness is more Myth.  He's often portrayed as a tough guy because he beat up on poor Jess Willard who could never fight to begin with.   You MUST consider what Jess did with the title once he romoved it from Jack Johnson.   Willard played a role.  Look at all the particulars of the Johnson - Willard fight.  

    In truth,  Dempsey avoided the best fighters of his era.  Rocky is often accused of beating the best past prime boxers but they were the best AVALIABLE for that time.   Dempsey HAD other worthy challengers.   From a boxing fan's view point I have to give more credit to Rocky because he didn't duck anyone.  

    Besides Firpo and Willard, who did Dempsey beat?  Once he got his nose job and married that actress, Estelle Taylor, he wasn't much interested in DEFENDING the title, just HAVING it.   Tell me,  WHO DID HE BEAT?  Carpentier,  My Aunt could beat him.  

    Rocky fought Charles, Walcott and Moore.  ALL of them, tho past their prime, were FAR superior to anyone Dempsey fought.  

    Rocky's era was a little crooked too but Dempsey's was MORE corrupt.  You dont ream much about the time when Harry Greb was asked not to return to the Dempsey camp after he man-handled Jack in sparring.  

    Also consider the fact that Dempsey has never faced an opponent like Marciano.  Most of his opponents were big guys who couldn't get out of their own way, much less fight.  He never faced a shorter but stronger opponent.  He also never had to endure much of what Rocky has.

    I say Rocky is tougher and would win a fight between the two.

  5. The question for the ages. ''The Brockton Blockbuster'' And the ''Manessa Mauler''. Man two tough hombres here.

    Dempsey was a hobo who fought to eat and learned to fight as a young man and provide for a family. His fight with Willard showed his brutality and his war with Firpo showed his heart. The crew cut and 5 o'clock shadow combined with his snarl won most of his fights b4 he even entered the ring.

    Marciano was the epitome of a warrior. How many fighters in history would fight on while their nose was split open like a banana peel? When he was knocked down (twice) he came back to kayo his opponent. He gave up alot in height to some opponents and ate jabs and rights to get inside for the body.

    Both get criticized for their opponents or skill compared to nowadays, but the fact remains both fought with heart and courage only a handful of boxers in history possesed. Their training regime was the stuff of legend and the legacy each left in the ring is so strong that decades later people talk about them good or bad.

    For me its tough to pick but seeing as Rocky fought and beat everyone in his era I lean towards Marciano. But both men like them or not left an impression on boxing history few fighters ever have.

  6. That's a great question. They both were extremely tough guys who could both take a beaten. I have seen more of the Rock's fights though on TV..The only reason I'll say Marciano is because he remained undefeated. But their both tough guys in my book, they fought when men were men..15 rounds and you didn't fight once a year either.

  7. michael carbajal, remember the night against chicita gonzalez...became fight of the year..knocked down twice for the first time in his career,incredible comeback when he was almost down and out..

  8. rocky marciano just has the heart of a fighter jack dempsey has the toughness

  9. Jack Dempsey.  Check out the shots he withstood against Firpo and how ferociously he fought back.

  10. Jack Dempsey was more of the tough guy , He would start allot of bar fights before he turned pro  and do street fights for money. ANd his style was so aggressive and in your face, and had some brutal K.O's , who can forget the Dempsey Roll.  

      Rocky was the better overall boxer though.

    Dream match Jack Dempsey vs. Mike Tyson in their primes

  11. In my opinion Dempsey was an all round better fighter than Marciano, but Marciano took more punishment in his fights and often came back to win by KO after taking a terrible beating, so I guess that makes him pretty tough.

  12. Rocky, hands down.

  13. dempsey is tougher

  14. To be honest I doon't think I can possibly improve on ACEMAN's answer and there were a lot of good responses to this question.  Dempsey came up rough as a hobo and lived a tough lifestyle coming up.  He was chiseled and strong and hit like a mule.  The assault he put on Jess Willard was one of the worst beatings in ring history.  A good example of his toughness was when he got knocked through the ropes by Luis Firpo and came back to win by kayo in two rounds.  You have to be tough to do that.  Rocky Marciano will forever be known as the man who refused to lose as he won fight after fight despite disadvantages in height, weight and reach.  He made up for it with heart, determination, and a fierce will to win.  He also had a legendary training regimen that gave him increased endurance and stamina.  Many times he would simply outlast an opponent until he could land one of his power shots.  Both fighters here have tremendous determination and heart but nobody had it more than Marciano so I give him a very slight edge here as the tougher fighter.  Great question, thanks!

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