
Who is upside down?

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Ok. 4 people,one is standing on the north pole,the other on the south pole, the other two are at opposite ends One East,one west.The one at the north pole must think the other at the south pole is upside down,but the south pole man must be thinking

he cant be!!! What the h**l is going on who is upside down

and why?

Iv confussed my self now wrighting this its not making a lot of sence to me now. Just try to work it out if you




  1. the best answer is...................

    spiderman!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who else??????????????

  2. You can't. The positions are relative. Like you said, to the North Pole man the South Pole man is upside down, and he'd be correct, using his frame of reference. However, to the South Pole man the North Pole man would be upside down, and he is also correct using his frame of reference.

    Same with the other two. It depends on what frame of reference you pick.

  3. Agony Uncle Andy is right, none of them are upside down. "Down" is towards the centre of the earth, and "up" is towards the sky. No matter where on the earth you are standing, as long as your feet are on the ground you're the right side up :)

    The confusion arises when you take your own frame of reference and try to apply it to everybody else. Everything in this Universe is relative, Einstein told us so ;)

  4. None of them are upside down. The "frame of reference" is that up is the position above you- we all accept that as in the direction of the sky. "Down" is towards the centre of the earth, so in order to be upside down, any of them would need to do a headstand.

    It seems that you need to understand the basics of gravity, which is the physical force that attracts bodies to things. As the earth is a very large body, it pulls all the people on it towards the middle (centre), and your four people all are bound by this force. The resistance of the ground beneath their feet keeps them from being dragged any further to the centre of the earth.

    Anyway, none are upside down, and anyone walking or standing upright anywhere on the earth is not "upside down", if the standard interpretation of the terms "up" and "down" is applied.

    Take care.
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