
Who is/was the tallest/shortest, fattest/skinniest, and any other extreme person to live?

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Who is/was the tallest/shortest, fattest/skinniest, and any other extreme person to live?




  1. The worlds tallest person is most likely at this point to be last reported 8ft4 Leonid Stadnik (living), he was still growing as far as I know due to suspected pituitary giantism, so he might beat out the worlds tallest known man who was Robert Padlow at a mighty 8ft11.

    The worlds shortest person is probably Khagendra Thapa Magar who is only 20 inches tall, but, the Guinness Book of World Records quotes Gull Mohammad as the shortest at just 22.5 inches.

    The fattest male ever was Robert Earl Hughes, who weighed in at 1,064 lbs. Interesting and possibly sad fact related to him, he had to be buried in a piano case. The fattest female was Carol Yager who when first admitted to a Medical center whilst suffering from cellulitis she had already beat Robert by 125lbs.  She weighed in at an estimated 1600lbs at her peak. (There is someone who might have beat Robert out at "probably more than" 1400lbs, one Jon Brower Minnoch but this is unconfirmed and information from the 60's and 70's)

    The skinniest person in the world is extremely debatable, as it's very common to be skinny to the point of near death for some models as well as people in third world countries (excluding those starving to the point of where they get swollen). I can't give you a clear answer on this, but an example would be, someone at 6ft1 weight 125lbs, which is somewhat common. Additionally this is a BMI (body mass index) of 16.5 which is in the severely underweight category. This scales down in weight for shorter people, as a 5ft4 person with 96lbs would have the same BMI mentioned.

    Now for some other little tidbits.

    It's strange most of all these records are held by men, but these are the other side of things. The worlds Tallest women is Sandy Allen according to the Guinness World Records who stood a mighty high 7ft1, however there are other suspected worlds tallest women, as a girl from Holland (name unknown) was said to be just above 7ft4 (and still she wears platform shoes!), then there is Yao Defen of China, who claims to be the tallest at 7ft8, but both these reports have yet to be confirmed. The worlds shortest women is Zhu Haizhen 19 who is only 31 inches high.

    The worlds oldest person (documented) is Jeanne Calment who lived to be 122 years and 164 days. The worlds oldest living person is Edna Parker who is 115 years old. The oldest living male might have been Shigechiyo Izumi who lived to 120 (it is suspected, might have had his birth date confused with his brother who died at a much younger age).

    Hope that helps!

  2. All that information, and more, can be found in "The Guiness  Book of World Records" available at any bookstore.

    Or you can look it up on their website:

  3. there is a 450 lbs man in jail and is complaining that he lost 100 lbs.....

  4. Check out the website for the Guinness World Records

  5. Tallest president - Abraham Lincoln (6' 4")

    Shortest president - James Madison (5'4")

    Fattest President - Taft (They had to put another bathtub into the White House to fit him)

    Shortest presidential term - William Henry Harrison (one month - he died from pneumonia that he got standing in the rain for his Inaguration)

    Longest time for holding breath - 16 minutes 32 seconds by Peter Colat (David Blaine will try to break it on Oprah soon)

    Is this enough? :D

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