
Who is william walalce???>?

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Who is william walalce???>?




  1. one of my many phyco ancesters who were brutal and loyal and scary.

  2. William Wallace was a scotsman who fought the English so that Scotland could get independence from the . England ruled over Scotland and Scotland was powerless. William Wallace got loads of Scots together to battle the english for their freedom.

  3. william wallace is a national hero in scotland just like robert burns and st andrew he was involved in a a war between scotland and england in the later part of the 13th century he was fighting alongside robert the bruce and was captured hung drawn and quatered by the english

  4. how can he have fought the British...several hundred years before England and Scotland joined to become Britain..duh!!!

  5. William Wallace (1272-1305): a son of a minor Scottish noble, Wallace led Scottish insurgents in a series of engagements climaxing in a victory at Stirling Bridge in a struggle for Scottish independence from England's Edward I.  Eventually betrayed, the "Hammer and Scourge of England" was tried for treason at Westminster Hall in London, found guilty, and was hung, drawn, and quartered.  

    Mel Gibson tampered with the legend, much to the distress of many Scots, but "Braveheart" nevertheless let the rest of the world catch a glimpse at the everyman hero who helped bring about Scotland's independence from England during the Middle Ages.

    BTW, as a Lowland Scot, Wallace wouldn't have worn a kilt or painted his face blue like an early Pict tribesman.  Even Highland Scots at this time didn't wear kilts.  He was also a well-educated man.  Finally, Wallace couldn't have had the affair with Isabella of France, the wife of Edward II.  At the time of the Battle of Falkirk, Isabella was three-years-old.

    P. S. for Jamie--St. Andrew's flag flies over Scotland, but St. Andrew, who was one of the disciples of Jesus and the brother of Simon Peter, never made it that far North.  I often joke with a Greek-American friend of mine that St. Andrew spends his summers in Scotland but winters in Greece since St. Andrew is the patron saint of both Scotland and Greece.

  6. Maybe you should have posted this in history instead of royalty

  7. William Wallace was not the hero that he is made out to be by the Scots.He was,aptly played by Mel Gibson,a known hater of the English and the Jewish peoples,who then proceeded to tell the story as he,wanted,it told.I am very surprised,that he didn't allow his hatred of the Jews,to somehow be introduced into the movie.Gibson is now,more appropriately known,for his alcoholism and DUI arrest.

    Edit........me254065,don't you know that Hollywood can do what it d**n well likes?Private Ryan,for example,a British soldier,became an american as soon as it suited Hollywood.Why let a small thing like truth or nationality,get in the way of a good story of heroism,like that!

  8. William Wallace was a Scottish knight,landowner and patriot. He was not a royal.He was interested in Scottish Independence from the British. Wallace's story was made famous by Mel Gibson's film,BRAVEHEART.

    read more about him at

  9. the guy from brave heart

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