
Who is willing to change their life and follow Him..TODAY!?

by  |  earlier

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There is no time like the present. What is your life? Lay your burdens at his feet, let go and commit to him.

Jesus Christ. Died for your sins so you would have a bridge to God. Will you walk accross what he built and commit your life to him? He can change and make you new! I am a sinner in need of a saviour. I want to change my life also.

Who is with me?;_ylt=AhFxC8diVXTATGqvB6aEGo_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080825010735AAwbGyv




  1. No thanks, I like my life how it is.

  2. ok.. people have different beliefs, you make people repel

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    I'm sure Jesus' back would hurt with all those people walking over him anyway.

    I'll pass.


  4. Honk

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