
Who is willing to donate items to help young mothers?

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Along with research in helping mothers make the right decisions who is really willing to help in donating items to help when I get my services started. I know it will be a nonprofit organization. But I want the young mothers to know there is still help available and caring people in the world. I want this not to just be in southcarolina but nation wide. If I can get enough people to partner with me and keep family together. So who would really help to donate items just curious. Diapers, Car Seats, Formula, Clothing, Day Care, ETC. Are you one that would?




  1. yah

  2. I gave someone a thumbs up but I meant it to be a thumbs down ....Christians have been supportive of millions, all through the country.... True some voice a little more then need be but many do with out a voice and no strings. I am sorry for the hate you feel because most of those organizations do so in love.

  3. We have a service like that here.......but before I donated anything, I needed information on their business practices, and their community message. I needed to make sure they were not backed by a religious organization, that would be preaching, or jamming literature down their throats, or by a Right To Life organization, that would do likewise. Perhaps you should post you Mission Statement as are bound to get more responses that way.

    *no where have I expressed hate...........and I know there are many organizations out there that are backed by religious institutions, not just christian...funny, I never even mentioned christians specifically, you just assumed. I am simply stating as in the many communities I have lived in, many people are not religious and will not donate to a charity/organization that is. Nor a Right to Life, if they are what I wrote. As for your thumbs down, you know where you can stick that, as I could care less. I am still a good person, who supports many organizations and charities, just not religious ones who feel the need to include their "message." as it is not a message for everyone.

  4. Try

  5. Only if I could include birth control education.

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