
Who is worried about global warming?

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Does it affect all of us, or can we adapt to the changes ?




  1. it's a bunch of bs.. when my mom was in school it was "global freezing" that had every one freaking out. you can't believe everything you hear, it's just a scam to make money. you should be more worried about gas prices.

  2. We can and have adapted to changes in climate.

    The only people worried are researchers that depend on fear for their funding.

  3. Not me!!!  There is no changes to "adapt" to.

  4. If we dont stop global warming it will destroy us all wed never be able to cope the storms and the floods and te heat

  5. I am worried about it.

    I hear that the Artic ice is melting, thus creating larger bodies of water which can lead to flooding.

    And of course scientists and economists are worried about global warming.

  6. There is no "global warming issue." Check the data related to heat output by the sun. It has been noted the sun is currently going through a cycle of greater activity thus producing more heat. As for the human cause of Global Warming I will consider this. We can affect our local patterns of heat transfer by the smog produced in a densely packed city. Other than that no ozone hole, no global warming caused by man just a simple climatic cycle which this planet has experienced time and time again.  


  8. Global warming is caused by solar activity period. From the 1850s through 1940 we had a noticeable warming fueled by a spike in sunspots. The warmest year here was 1934, which was cooler than the average during the MWP. Then through the 40s and 50s it cooled a little bit as Co2 levels rose dramatically. It warmed slightly in the early 60s and then cooled again in the 70s bringing on the great Hansen’s first appearance on the world stage promoting Co2 as a global cooling gas that was going to drive the world into the next ice age and starve or kill most of the worlds population.

    Then just as this was getting off the ground the sun spot activity jumped again and things started warming up again. So on the advice of Al Gore Mann and Hansen rewrote their whole scenario to match his alarmist book and altered the NASA temperature records to coincide with Co2 levels. This heating period ended in about 2000 with the hottest year of the cycle in 1998 well below the 1934 record year. Since then low solar activity has allowed cooling to set in and real scientists are watching carefully to see what direction temperatures are going to do. Recently Hansen, Gore and some of the other alarmists have admitted to 20 years or more of cooling before it starts warming again, but they at this point are guessing the same as anybody else!

  9. Most every scientist, and many economists.

    We can't stop it entirely, so we'll have to adapt some.  But we can reduce it, and slow it down.  That will cost a LOT less money than simply letting it come full force, and trying to adapt.

    Here's the position of the National Academy of Science, which most all scientists agree with:

    "The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to begin taking steps to prepare for climate change and to slow it. Human actions over the next few decades will have a major influence on the magnitude and rate of future warming. Large, disruptive changes are much more likely if greenhouse gases are allowed to continue building up in the atmosphere at their present rate. However, reducing greenhouse gas emissions will require strong national and international commitments, technological innovation, and human willpower."

  10. If U need to believe in Global Warming U need to stop that. It is a scam to make money by Gore. The scientist that back it work for it. If there was no problem there would be no money....

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